P. 86
Artificial Intelligence
Notes Static representation — knowledge regarding objects, events, etc., and their relationships
and states specified.
Needs a program to recognize what to do with knowledge and how to perform it.
Procedural Representation
In Procedural representation, knowledge is signified as procedures.
Example: Default reasoning and probabilistic reasoning are examples of procedural
Here, heuristic knowledge of “How to do things efficiently “can be simply signified.
Control information essential to use the knowledge is entrenched in the knowledge itself.
For example, how to discover relevant facts, make inferences etc.
Needs an interpreter to follow instructions provided in knowledge.
Example: Let us assume what knowledge an alphabetical sorter would want:
Implicit knowledge that A occurs before B etc.
This is simple really integer comparison of (ASCII) codes for A, B.
All programs enclose procedural knowledge of this sort.
The procedural information here is that knowledge of how to alphabetise is signified explicitly
in the alphabetization procedure.
A declarative system might have to have explicit details such as A occurs before B, B
comes before C etc.
6.1.1 Representing How to Use Knowledge
We discuss below the need to represent how to control the processing:
Specify the direction an allegation could be used. For example, to verify something can fly
show it is a bird. fly(x) bird(x).
Knowledge to Achieve Goal
Identify what knowledge might be required to attain a specific goal.
Example: To prove something is a bird attempting using two facts has_wings and
has_feathers to demonstrate it.
Actually most of the knowledge representations utilize an amalgamation of both. Most of the
knowledge representation structures have been generated to manage programs that control
natural language input. There are numerous types of schemas that have proved functional in AI
programs. They comprise:
(i) Frames: Used to explain a compilation of attributes that a specified object possesses (e.g.:
depiction of a chair).
(ii) Scripts: Used to illustrate general sequence of events (e.g.:- a restaurant scene).