P. 192

System Software

                    Notes          2.  Verification: As affirmed above, formal methods vary from other specification systems
                                       by their heavy stress  on provability and accuracy. By building a system with a formal
                                       specification,  the designer  is in fact developing  a  set  of  theorems  about his system.
                                       By proving these theorems accurate, the formal Verification is a tricky process, largely
                                       since even the simplest system has  several dozen  theorems, each of which  has to  be
                                       proven. Even a traditional mathematical proof is a multifaceted affair.

                                          Example: Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, for example, took some years after its
                                   declaration to be completed. Given the demands of complexity and Moore's law, approximately
                                   all formal systems use an automated theorem proving tool of some form. These tools can show
                                   simple theorems, verify the  semantics of theorems, and give assistance  for verifying more
                                   complex proofs.
                                   3.  Implementation: Once the  model  has been  stated and  verified, it  is implemented  by
                                       transforming the  specification into code.  As  the dissimilarity between software  and
                                       hardware design increases, narrower, formal methods for producing embedded systems
                                       have been developed.

                                          Example: LARCH, for example, has a VHDL implementation. Likewise hardware systems
                                   like the VIPER and AAMP5 processors have been produced using formal approaches.
                                   An substitute to this approach is the lightweight approach to formal design. In a lightweight
                                   design, formal methods are applied cautiously to a system. This approach provides the benefits
                                   of formal specification, but also averts some of the difficulties.
                                   Formal methods are observed with a definite degree of suspicion. While formal methods research
                                   has been succeeding since 1960's, formal  methods are  only being  slowly acknowledged  by
                                   engineers. There are numerous reasons for this, but most of the problems appear to be a result
                                   of misapplication. Most formal systems are tremendously descriptive and all-encompassing,
                                   modeling languages have usually been judged by their capacity to model anything. Regrettably,
                                   these same qualities make formal methods very tricky to use, especially for engineers untaught
                                   in the type theory required for most formal systems.
                                   In  opposition, it  is noticeable  that some  form of  formal specification  is  essential:  complex
                                   systems need  formal models.  In addition,  the  mathematics  needed for  formal  methods  is
                                   becoming a more prominent fixture of engineering curricula, engineering schools in Europe are
                                   already requiring courses in VDM, Z and alike formal specifications. Eventually, formal methods
                                   will acquire some form of acceptance, but compromises will be made in both directions: formal
                                   methods will turn out to be  simpler and  formal methods training will turn out to be  more
                                   Formal methods propose additional benefits outside of provability, and these advantages do
                                   deserve some mention. However, most of these advantages are available from other systems,
                                   and usually without the steep learning curve that formal methods require.
                                      Discipline: By virtue of their rigor, formal systems require an engineer to think out his
                                       design in a more thorough fashion. In particular, a formal proof of correctness is going to
                                       require a rigorous specification of goals, not just operation. This thorough approach can
                                       help identify faulty reasoning far previous than  in traditional design. The discipline
                                       included in formal specification has proved functional even on already obtainable systems.

                                          Example: Engineers by means of  the PVS  system, for  example, reported  identifying
                                   numerous microcode errors in one of their microprocessor designs.

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