P. 8

System Software

                    Notes          1.1 System Software

                                   System software is defined as software needed to assist the production or implementation of
                                   application programs but which is not particular to any specific application.

                                   1.1.1 System Software Concept

                                   System Software is a set of programs to carry  out a number of system functions such as file
                                   editing, resource organization, I/O management and storage organization. The trait in which
                                   system software varies from application software is machine reliance. An application program
                                   is chiefly related with the clarification of some problem, by means of the computer as a tool.
                                   System programs alternatively are projected to assist the operation and utilization of the computer
                                   itself, instead of any specific application. Therefore, they are typically connected to the architecture
                                   of the machine on which they are executed.

                                          Example: Assemblers convert mnemonic instructions into machine code. The instruction
                                   formats, addressing modes are of direct concern in assembler design.
                                   There are  some facets  of system software that  do not directly rely on the sort of computing
                                   system being supported. These are called machine-independent traits.

                                          Example: The common design and logic of an assembler is fundamentally the similar on
                                   most computers.
                                   An instruction is a set of programs that has to be fed to the computer for procedure of computer
                                   system all  together. When  you switch  on the computer the programs  written  in  ROM  is
                                   implemented which triggers dissimilar units of your computer and makes it prepared for you to
                                   work on it. This set of program can be considered as system software. Thus system software may
                                   be defined as a set of one or more programs intended to manage the operation of computer
                                   System software are common  programs  intended  for  carrying  out tasks  like handling  all
                                   operations needed to move data into and out of the computer. It converses with printers, card
                                   reader, disk, tapes, etc. monitor the use of a variety of hardware such as memory, CPU, etc. Also
                                   system software is necessary for the expansion of applications software.

                                     Did u know?  System Software permits application packages to be executed on the computer
                                     with less time and effort.


                                     Caution  It is not possible to execute application software not including system software.
                                   Development of system software is a multifaceted task and  it needs extensive knowledge of
                                   computer technology. Because of its intricacy it is not produced in house. Computer manufactures
                                   construct and supply this system software with the computer system. DOS, UNIX and WINDOWS
                                   are some of the broadly used system software. Out of these UNIX is  a multi-user operating
                                   system while DOS and WINDOWS are PC-based.
                                   Thus without system software it is impracticable to operate your computer. The following figure
                                   is shown as Figure 1.1 relation between hardware, software and you as a user of computer system.

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