Page 17 - DENG101_Communication Skills-I
P. 17

Communication Skills-I

                                   dis-      the converse of  discomfort, dislike
                                   ex-       former           ex-chairman, ex-hunter
                                   hyper-    extreme          hyperinfl ation, hypersurface
                                   in-       the converse of  inattention, incoherence, incompatibility
                                   in-       inside           inpatient,
                                   inter-    between          interaction, inter-change, interference
                                   kilo-     thousand         Kilobyte
                                   mal-      Bad              malfunction, maltreatment, malnutrition
                                   mega-     million          megabyte
                                   mis-      wrong            misconduct, misdeed, mismanagement
                                   mini-     small            mini-publication, mini-theory
                                   mono-     One              monosyllable, monograph, monogamy
                                   neo-      New              neo-colonialism, neo-impressionism
                                   out-      separate         outbuilding,
                                   poly-     many             polysyllable
                                   pseudo-   false            pseudo-expert
                                   re-       again            re-organisation, re-assessment, re-examination
                                   semi-     Half             semicircle, semi-darkness
                                   sub-      below            subset, subdivision
                                   super-    more than, above  superset, superimposition, superpowers
                                   sur-      over and above   surtax
                                   tele-     distant          telecommunications,
                                   tri-      three            tripartism
                                   ultra-    beyond           ultrasound
                                   under-    below, too little  underpayment, under-development, undergraduate
                                   vice-     deputy           vice-president

                                   Example: Suffix added to a verb (V), noun (N) or adjective (A) noun
                                      Suffi x           Meaning                          Examples
                                   -tionsion  action/instance of V-ing  alteration, demonstration expansion, inclusion,
                                   -er       person who V-s             advertiser, driver
                                             something used for V-ing   computer, silencer
                                   -ment     action/instance of V-ing   development, punishment, unemployment
                                   -antent   person who V-s             assistant, consultant
                                   -age      action/result of V         breakage, wastage, package
                                   -al       action/result of V         denial, proposal, refusal, dismissal
                                   -enceance  action/result of V        preference, dependence, interference
                                                                        attendance, acceptance, endurance
                                   -ery/-ry  action/instance of V-ing   bribery, robbery, misery
                                             place of V-ing             refi nery, bakery

                                     Suffi x            Meaning                          Examples
                                   -er       person concerned with N    astronomer, geographer
                                   -ism      doctrine of N              Marxism, Maoism, Thatcherism
                                   -ship     state of being N           friendship, citizenship, leadership
                                   -age      collection of N            baggage, plumage

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