P. 27
Communication Skills-II
notes l In the same way lights-green or red at traffic points, railway stations and airports, a red
bulb outside the operation theatre of a hospital, a neon hoarding, a revolving light an top
of a VIP vehicle or an ambulance serve their purpose very effectively without using words.
Lights are also used to indicate whether somebody is in or out, and to mark the celebration
of a special occasion. Colours of flags, white or black and the colours of flowers in a vase or
bouquet speak volumes about the feelings of the communicator.
Many of these drawings and photographs have a local or somewhat limited appeal in the sense
that, at a time, only a particular section of people will be interested in them. But a very much larger
number of signs, and symbols speak a ‘universal language’ understood by anybody anywhere.
Audio/Sound Signals
Side by side with visual, signals, audio or sound signals have always been in use since the very
beginning or civilization, and have very conveniently been adopted by the world of business.
Different kinds of drumbeat were used by people living in jungles in olden times, as we are told
in our history and geography books. But drumbeating is very much in use in modern times also
to convey or share different kinds of feelings on different occasions or celebrations. In one way or
another drumbeating is essential part of many communities’ culture. Its immediate impact is to
arouse and gather the hearers.
Closely allied to drumbeats, so for as volume is concerned, are the alarm signals. There are
various kinds of alarm signals, fire alarms, accident, casualty alarms, air raid or assault alarms,
VIP motorcade alarms, machine breakdown alarm and so on. Various kinds of sirens, hooters,
whistlers etc., are used for these purposes. The main idea is to caution the listener and take the right
step. Blowing a horn serves a similar purpose. A clock or watch alarms makes us aware of time and
programme our schedule.
No office is complete without a buzzer, press button bell, electrically operated bell and other
such sound signaling systems. They put the concerned people on alert, send out signals whether
a visitor is welcome or whether it is time to leave.
This mode of communication is our earliest means of making contact with others. It has actually
become essential to human development. Babies and children need to be touched in order to
grow, flourish, and avoid numerous health problems. Touch even seems to improve a child’s
mental functioning as well as physical health. In our life touch plays an important role in how we
respond to others and to our environment, and it can communicate many messages. When we
appreciate someone, we pat on his back. Parents and elders bless their younger ones by touching
their head. Younger people express respect by touching the feet of elderly people. By shaking
hands, we show our warmth and affection to each other. When two friends after a long gap hug
each other, it shows their warmth and affection.
Touching can show tenderness, affection, encouragement and the full range of emotions.
Example: The infant begins its communicative life largely through the sense of touch. As
the baby is a hugged, kissed, cradled, cuddled and stroked, human exchange being to unfold.
Psychologists contend that the denial of extensive touching can have untold negative impact
upon the infant’s development.
Touching actions serve as regulators. They act as both conveyors and elicitors of positive as well
as negative feelings. Touching conveys the total range from highly impersonal to highly personal
meanings. The touch will be of four types:
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