P. 113

Macro Economics

                                          Example: Suppose the most profitable project pays   121, the next   116, next   111 and
                                   the least profitable one only   106. If the rate of interest is 22% at present, none of the investment
                                   will be profitable. At rates of interest between 16% and 21% only 1st project will be profitable,
                                   at 18%   100 could be borrowed at a cost of   18: after one year, the investment would yield   121,
                                   showing a profit of   3 after repaying the initial sum borrowed (  100) and paying interest of
                                   18. At rates between 11% and 16% the first two opportunities would be most profitable. A rate
                                   below 11% makes the third project profitable. Similarly, a rate below 6% makes even 4th one
                                   profitable. Thus, desired investment expenditure gradually rises from   100 to   200 to   300 and
                                   ultimately to   400 on account of these four investment opportunities.
                                   Thus the volume of investment varies inversely with rate of interest. So, the investment function
                                   may be given as:

                                   Here I is (autonomous) investment and r is the market rate of interest.

                                   Thus, lower is the rate of interest, the larger the number of profitable investment opportunities,
                                   and consequently the greater the investment expenditure that firms will like to make.
                                   The  exception is  depression when  there is  widespread business  pessimism. So  investment
                                   opportunities are lacking. At such times changes in 'r' are unlikely to affect investment decision
                                                                     Table  6.1

                                          Investment     Disposable Income    Change in      Change in Income
                                                                              Investment           ( )
                                            1000               0                  -                -
                                            1000              1000               0                1000
                                            1000              2000               0                1000
                                            1000              3000               0                1000
                                            1000              4000               0                1000
                                            1000              5000               0                1000
                                            1000              6000               0                1000
                                            1000              7000               0                1000
                                            1000              8000               0                1000
                                            1000              9000               0                1000
                                            1000              10000              0                1000
                                            1000              11000              0                1000
                                            1000              12000              0                1000
                                            1000              13000              0                1000
                                            1000              14000              0                1000
                                            1000              15000              0                1000

                                   Table 6.1 and Figure 6.2 show that the amount of investment does not change with changes in
                                   income. It is autonomous - determined outside of the model. That is why there is no change in
                                   investment as income changes. Because investment is not affected by changes in income, the
                                   investment curve will have a slope of zero.

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