P. 28

Sales Management

                    Notes          Technical Sales

                                   The technical sales compulsorily requires a good knowledge of the product by the sales person.
                                   It requires the approval of TECHNICAL people in the organisation. In the end it is one or two
                                   people with technical knowledge in the organisation who  influence the  decision. The  sales
                                   persons have to identify and satisfy them with product characteristics, application, installation
                                   processes, etc. The sales person are trained to use traditional approach and know the utility and
                                   features of the product.

                                   Commercial Sales

                                   It includes non-technical sales to business industry, government and non-profit organisations,
                                   e.g., office equipments, wholesale goods, building products, etc. Commercial sales person makes
                                   the sales on first or second call.

                                   Direct Sales

                                   Sales of product to ultimate consumer, e.g., restaurants, door to door sales, insurance, encyclopedia,
                                   magazines, etc. There is emotional appeal in such type of selling. The sales persons must have
                                   persuasive ability. They are trained to close the sale on first visit. If given time they may buy
                                   from competitors or cool off and postpone buying.

                                   2.6 Buyer Seller Dyads

                                   Dyad is a situation where two people interact. The sales person and the prospect interacting with
                                   each other  constitute a buyer-seller dyad.  The seller seeks to motivate the  buyer to behave
                                   favourably towards the seller. This interaction has a great impact over the buyer. This is even
                                   much greater when the salesman has product knowledge, honesty, follow up, good and proper
                                   Franklin Evans researched buyer-seller dyads in the life insurance business. He found out that
                                   the prospects who bought insurance knew more about sales persons and their companies and
                                   felt more positively towards them. The more alike sales persons and their prospects were the
                                   greater was the probability that the sale would result.
                                   Evans' findings have significance for sales management. He concluded that:
                                   1.  Prospects who know the sales persons and their companies were more positive  about
                                       buying than those who did not know them.
                                   2.  If the sales person and buyer were alike in their physical appearance, objective factors
                                       (income, education, religion, etc.) and other personality factors, there were more chances
                                       that a sale would result.
                                   Then Henri Tosi studied whole sale drugs sales people and retail pharmacists and concluded
                                   that besides the factors given by Evans, the behaviour of sales people was also an influencing
                                   factor in buyer-seller dyad relationship. Studies conducted on the attitude of buyers reveal that
                                   sales person's lack of product  knowledge, failure to follow up, uninfluential presentations,
                                   flattery, bad manners, dishonesty are the major causes of failure of sales. According to Henry
                                   Tosi, behavioural factors of  sales people  are  most  influencing factors  in buyer-seller  dyad
                                   relationship. A conceptual model has been made in this regard.

                                   The  sales process is  influenced  both by  the  sales  person and  the buyer  by their  personal
                                   characteristics and role requirements. The personal characteristics include personality, values,
                                   attitudes and past experience. Formal authority and organisational autonomy interact  with

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