P. 178
Unit 10: Managing E-business Projects
Phase 1: Evaluation Planning
Based on the goals of the law firm, a three day customised basics of project management
training programme was developed. Prior to the start of the programme, data was collected
on past project initiatives, specifically around:
1. Budget
2. Time
3. Scope
4. Resource utilisation
5. Quality
Much of this data was tracked, although it was not in one central location and required
conversations with many members of the law firm, from managing partners through to
paralegals and administrative assistants.
In the first phase of the project, we developed a plan around the data we would be collecting.
The plan included the following components for Level 1–4:
1. Level 1: Satisfaction survey to participants.
2. Level 2: A test administered to participants to measure the learning from the 3-day
3. Level 3: Action plan follow-up and questionnaires including information on how
the participants were applying the skills they learned. Level 3 questionnaires also
went to managing partners and senior attorneys to get their feedback and perception
of the skills being applied.
4. Level 4: Collection of all data for business impact.
We also developed an ROI Analysis Plan to include the items we intended to measure
against to show improvement based on the 3-day training programme. The data items to
be collected at level 4, which are the impact measures targeted for improvement included:
1. Improved performance on projects, including improved quality of end result.
2. Efficient utilisation and tracking of resources.
3. Increased percentage of successful projects (on time, within budget and within scope).
4. Implementation of best practices and standard processes.
We set the ROI (hurdle) rate at 20%.
Phase 2: Data Collection
A pilot group of 20 junior attorneys, paralegals and administrative assistants were selected
to go through the programme first and measure the benefits of the training. In this way, an
isolation factor, an important component of doing an ROI study, was available to compare
against a similar group of attorneys, paralegals and administrative assistants who would
work on projects also, but would not initially attend the 3 day programme.
The following data was collected from the programme:
1. Level 1: 95% of the participants were satisfied overall with the 3 day customised
2. Level 2: 100% pass rate on the exam (85% or higher was considered passing). It
should be noted that the exam was not an overly difficult exam and as long as the