P. 179

Fundamentals of Project Management

                                           attendees participated and paid attention in the 3 day class they would be able to
                                           pass the exam. Frankly, the real measurement was in the Action Plans that were
                                       3.  Level 3: 100% of the participants submitted Action Plans and completed follow up
                                           questionnaires. Action plans were completed after the class and followed up on
                                           within 6 months. The action plan included information on:
                                           (i)  Participant’s goals (individual improvement efforts).
                                           (ii)  How participants intended to meet those goals:

                                                (a)  Action steps to be taken.
                                                (b)  Support and/or resources needed.
                                                (c)  Timeline for completion.
                                           (iii)  How participants will know if they are successful in meeting those goals.
                                           (iv)  How participants will evaluate that success:
                                                After the 6 month time period, participants were asked to complete a
                                                Continuous Improvement Plan for moving forward. This follow up to the
                                                Action Plan included:
                                                (a)  Results/accomplishments to date.
                                                (b)  Next steps to accomplish.

                                                (c)  Timeline for doing so and support needed.
                                       4.  Level 4: Data collected from participants, managing partners and senior attorneys
                                           on the impact to the business. The data collected from level 4 showed a 40% increase
                                           in the number of successful projects. Successful projects went up from 70 successful
                                           out of every 100 (smaller projects included in the 100 along with more strategic
                                           projects) to 98 successful out of 100.
                                           (i)  40% increase in the number of successful projects:
                                                (a)  On time, within budget and scope.
                                                (b)  Projects met set quality standards.
                                                (c)  Resources tracked and effectively allocated.
                                                (d)  Standard processes implemented for all projects.
                                                (e)  Lessons learned captured and best practices shared.
                                       Phase 3: Data Analysis

                                       In converting the data collected to a monetary value, we found that cost savings (programme
                                       benefits) were as follows:
                                       1.  More efficient use of resources: $285,000.
                                       2.  Projects on time, within budget and scope: $250,000.
                                       3.  Increase in better tracking of client projects: $450,000.

                                       Programme benefits are measured in level 4: Business Impact. To convert to a monetary
                                       value, a dollar amount was put to every resource based on salary/time/fringe, etc. If
                                       projects did not go out of scope, no additional resources were needed, which was a cost
                                       savings. More efficient use of resources also meant that projects had fewer people assigned
                                       to them. The $450,000 in increase from better tracking of client projects was the amount

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