P. 193

Banking and Insurance

                    Notes          that rural poverty continues to assure their prosperity. Indian economy being a developing are
                                   is no exception to this event. It is where the role of all concerned arises to inculcate savings habit
                                   among villagers for self sustenance. Formation of self help group is one such effort.
                                   Self help groups refer to a homogeneous group of 10-20 members formed with intent to save a
                                   small amount regularly to help each other in times of need. Homogeneous group imply common
                                   characteristics they share amongst themselves. Pooled savings one kept in Savings Back account
                                   in the name of SHG.

                                   Given below one some possible queries and their answers on SHG:
                                   1.  How many members can be there in a Self Help Group (SHG)?
                                   Ans. 10-20. In case of common water user group, members, can be 5.
                                   2.  Can more than one persons of a family be the members of a SHG?

                                   Ans. No, only one person of a family can be the member of an SHG. Here, minor cannot
                                       become the member of the group. NGO also cannot become the office bearer of the SHG.
                                   3.  Can persons of different social, cultural & financial background constitute an SHG?

                                   Ans. The group formed by the members of heterogeneous background  cannot depict a strong
                                       group dynamics, hence can't be sustainable. Therefore, the group should have persons
                                       from homogeneous social, cultural and financial background.
                                   4.  Generally it is said that members should save something to create a group corpus/fund
                                       corpus, but what is really saving means?

                                   Ans. Concept of SHG is based on thrift, which means cutting their expenditure and sparing for
                                       the purpose, Whereas saving means to save something from the existing income.
                                   5.  Can savings mobilized by Self help Groups (SHGs) be deposited in a Saving Fund Account?

                                   Ans. Yes. The group can open the saving account with the bank branch with the initial deposit
                                       of Rs. 100/-. Branch should not insist upon depositing entire group corpus while opening
                                       their SF a/c and bringing all the members to them for opening of SF account, only office
                                       bearers like president, secretary and treasurer can approach the branch for opening of
                                       account. Hence, photograph of all the members may not be insisted upon, but  the same be
                                       obtained of the authorized persons by the members. For this purpose, resolution passed
                                       by the group should be kept on record.
                                   6.  What is meant by group corpus/fund corpus?
                                   Ans. Amount held in SF account + amount internally lent amongst the members + cash in hand
                                       with the authorized persons + amount received as interest on the loans + any other
                                       contributions received by the group like grants, donations etc. However, for working out
                                       the loan eligibility the fund corpus will include the amount outstanding under the inter-
                                       loaning, cash balance with the group and balance with the bank.
                                   7.  What are other activities of the SHGs for strengthening group dynamics?

                                   Ans. Regular periodical meetings, regular periodical saving, maintenance of books like cash
                                       book (summary of receipts and payments), register of individual account of members
                                       both for deposit and loans, minutes register and issue of passbooks to individual members.
                                   8.  It is generally considered that transparency in working of the group renders more cohesive
                                       group, what is the transparency?

                                   Ans. Group should not revolve one or two members, but all the members should be aware of
                                       the happenings of the group like savings, inter-loaning amongst members (to inculcate

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