P. 236

Unit 11: Innovations in Banking

          4.   The risks, if any, involved in insurance agency/referral arrangement should not get  Notes
               transferred to the business of the bank.


             Caution Banks are required to obtain prior approval of the Insurance Regulatory and
             Development Authority (IRDA) for acting as 'composite corporate agent' or referral
             arrangement with insurance companies.

          11.18 Money Market Mutual Funds

              A special genre of MF that pools savings of small investors for investment in short term
               money market instruments like CD, Call Money, Commercial Bills, Treasury Bills, Dated
               Government Securities, having an unexpired maturity up to 1 year, Rated Corporate
               Bonds/Debentures with a residual maturity up to 1 year, etc., and passes on the benefit of
               higher yield on these instruments to the unit holders.
              Can be established by commercial banks/public financial institutions/their existing
               mutual funds/subsidiaries/NBFCs etc.
              Can  be  either  as  money  market  deposit  account  or  mutual  fund.  Individuals/NRI
               Individuals can subscribe.
              Minimum lock-in period 30 days.
              Investments are left to the commercial judgment of the fund managers.
              Maximum of 3% of total fund can be invested in CPs/Bonds and Debentures of any single
              MMFs of Commercial Banks would not be considered as part of demand and time liabilities
               for reserve requirement.
              Issue of units is subject to stamp duty.
              Prior authorization from RBI is necessary.

             Did u know? Maximum of 3% of total mutual fund can be invested in CPs/Bonds and
             Debentures of any single company.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          10.  ....................................... helps the banks to build synergies between the insurance business
               and bank branch network.

          11.  .......................................acquires the asset through borrowed funds and leases out.
          12.  A lending institution called ".................................." identifies the loans in its portfolio that
               are to be securitised.

          13.  A structured process where under loans and other receivables are packaged, underwritten
               and  sold  in  the  form  of  ............................  securities  by  commercial  banks/financial
          14.  .......................... pays hiring charges at stipulated intervals and quantum by the hirer.

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