P. 133
Event Management
Notes The preparation of a budget is an essential part of event management.
The event budget should be set so that if sponsorship and/or government funding is not
forthcoming the event does not have to be canceled.
It can be difficult to obtain money from spectators in circumstances where there no
restriction of access.
Sport and recreation events are a service provided and it is reasonable to suggest therefore
that all basic costs of the event should be covered by participant fees.
Costs associated with officials needed to run the event may have to be borne by the event
Event participants are generally responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.
In minor or local events travel and accommodation costs are unlikely.
The cost of medals, trophies and other awards requires detailed knowledge about the
number of competitors, the categories of divisions of the competition and the format of
the competition.
Salaries applies only if events are organized by professional staff.
For some events it may be appropriate to seek external sponsorship, particularly those
that require a large budget or may offer mutually beneficial benefits to an external
individual or company.
Sponsorship of an event or activity can comprise of in-kind support, financial support, or
a combination of both.
With sponsorship comes a lot of extra responsibility for the event organizer in all stages of
the event process; including the planning, organization, execution and post-event activities.
Sponsorship agreements must include deliverable benefits to the sponsor.
Number of external individuals and companies that are not suitable to sponsor an event
or activity include: Political Parties,, Tobacco Companies and Gambling Services.
5.11 Keywords
Budget: The amount of money a person or organization has to spend on something.
Event Budget: The event budget is a projection (forecast) of the income and expenditure that the
event will incur based on plans made and information gathered.
Venture: A new business or activity.
Revenue: Income from business activities or taxes.
Sport and recreation events: Sport and recreation events are a service provided and it is reasonable
to suggest therefore that all basic costs of the event should be covered by participant fees.
Event Cost: Costs associated with officials needed to run the event may have to be borne by the
event organisers.
Event participants: Event participants are generally responsible for their own travel and
accommodation costs.
Sponsorship of an event or activity: It can comprise of in-kind support, financial support, or a
combination of both.