P. 134

Unit 5: Financial Management

          5.12 Review Questions                                                                 Notes

          1.   What is meant by event finance?
          2.   What is event budget?

          3.   What is meant by available budget?
          4.   How is preparation of a budget is an essential part of event management?
          5.   What are the various costs associated with the events?
          6.   What is meant by term salary? When it is applied?
          7.   What is sponsorship of an event?

          8.   What are the constituents of event budget?
          9.   What is the scope of financial management in the study of events?
          10.  “Sponsorship agreements must include deliverable benefits to the sponsor” Comment.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   event budget                      2.  event management.

          3.   Forthcoming                      4.   no
          5.   Sport and recreation              6.  Costs
          7.   participants                      8.  minor
          9.   format of the competition         10.  professional staff.

          11.  True                              12.  True
          13.  True                              14.  False
          15.  True

          5.13  Further Readings

           Books         Allen, J. (2000). Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Meetings,
                         Corporate Events, Fundraising Galas, Conferences, Conventions, Incentives,
                         and Other Special Events. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Wiley.
                         Astroff, M. T., and J. R. Abbey (1995). Convention Sales and Services, 4th ed.
                         Cranbury, NJ: Waterbury Press.
                         Baldridge, L. (1993). Letitia Baldridge’s New Complete Guide to Executive
                         Manners. New York: Rawson Associates, Maxwell Macmillan International.
                         Batterberry, A. R. (1976). Bloomingdale’s Book of Entertaining. New York:
                         Random House.

                         Bergen, M. T. (1988). How to Have Fun at Work: The Complete Employee
                         Services/Recreation Handbook. Crete, IL: Abbott, Langer & Associates.

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