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Event Management
Notes programs and activities. It is highly likely that coaches and officials must be properly accredited
for any insurance claim to be successful. Coaches can, if they so wish take out their own insurance
cover if they are freelancers or self-employed.
6.3.3 Players Insurance
It is commonplace for registered players to have some limited cover for injuries sustained in the
course of participating in events, programs and activities of the organisation. This insurance cover
arises as a result of the national or state sporting organisation arranging the insurance and then
recouping the premium by imposing a small levy on everyone through player’s registration fees.
6.3.4 Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
Directors and officers liability insurance covers members of the management committee or
board for legal costs if they fail to carry out their role as an officer of the organisation with due
diligence. This type of insurance cover would cover, for example, legal costs that may occur as
a result of attending official investigations or inquiries concerning the affairs of the organisation.
6.3.5 Event Insurance
Organisations staging special events can insure against a wide range of risks including cancellation
of the event, the impact of weather on the event, or if a certain contingency happens (such as a
large payout of prize money or the non-appearance of a very important personality or competitor.
Notes Workers Compensation
As with any other employer, it is mandatory for organisations to take out cover in case
employees suffer any injury while in the course of carrying out their work duties.
6.3.6 Motor Vehicle Insurance
If a sport organization owns any kind of vehicle, then it should have motor vehicle insurance.
Damage to, or damage caused by a vehicle owned by the sport organisation cannot be covered
by any of the above forms of insurance.
6.4 Methods for Identifying Risks
Identifying risks is the first and perhaps the most important step in the risk management
process. If there is a failure to identify any particular risk then other steps in the risk management
cannot be implemented for that risk.
Notes It is important to realize that an organisation’s exposure to risk may be constantly
changing. For example, at the time that a risk audit takes place, an organization may not
have any sponsorship. The risk audit may not therefore uncover any risks associated with
sponsorship because at the time there none were apparent. However some months later
after risk management policies and procedures have been documented, the organisation
is successful in obtaining a sponsorship and the risk exposures associated with sponsorship.