P. 143

Event Management

                    Notes          6.5 Risk Analysis and Prioritizing

                                   The matrix below is adapted from the Risk Management Standard. It can be used to record a
                                   priority rating for each risk identified in the risk audit. Each risk identified must be evaluated in
                                   terms of:
                                       The probability of occurrence (the likelihood).

                                       The severity of the consequence should the risk actually occur.
                                       A risk exposure that has both a high likelihood and a high severity of consequence should
                                       be given the greatest consideration for elimination or control.

                                       A risk that is both low in likelihood and low in severity can easily be retained and self-
                                                                Table 6.1: Risk Analysis

                                     Likelihood                          Consequences
                                                    Insignificant 1   Minor 2     Moderate 3     Major 4   Catastrophe 5
                                     Almost Certain      H          H            E         E           E
                                     Is expected to occur
                                     at most times
                                     Likely              M          H            H         E           E
                                     Will probably
                                     occur at most times
                                     Moderate            L          M            H         E           E
                                     Might occur at most
                                     Unlikely            L          L            M         H           E
                                     Could occur
                                     at sometime
                                     Rare                L          L            M         H           H
                                     May occur in

                                     E      Extreme Risk     Immediate action required
                                     H      High Risk        Senior management attention needed
                                     M      Moderate Risk    Management responsibility must be specified
                                     L      Low Risk         Manage by routine procedures

                                   6.5.1 Documenting Risks

                                   These are basically of two kinds:
                                   1.  The Risk Register
                                   2.  The Risk Treatment Schedule

                                   Risk Register

                                   The Risk Register, also known as a Risk Log

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