P. 24
Unit 1: Introduction to Customer Relationship Management
1.7 Review Questions Notes
1. Write short note on CRM.
2. Describe the history of CRM.
3. How did CRM evolved?
4. What do you understand by Touch Point Analysis?
5. How does TPS help in increasing customer efficiency?
6. Explain the Functionality of Touch Point Analysis.
7. What are the various steps involved in TPA function?
8. Explain how CRM helps in understanding the customer’s views?
9. How have the customers transformed in recent times?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Customer relation 2. Marketers
3. Satisfaction 4. Market coverage strategy
5. 1920’s 6. Total quality management
7. TQM
8. Electronic- customer relationship management
9. Total quality control 10. Customer privacy and data security
11. Services 12. Right
13. True 14. False
15. False
1.8 Further Readings
Books Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Thearling, Building Data Mining Applications,
Anderson, Paul and Art Rosenberg. The Executive’s Guide to Customer Relationship
Management. Doyle Publishing Company, Houston, 2000.
CGI Group Inc. White Paper, Building Competitive Advantages through Customer
Relationship Management, January 2001.
CRM at the Speed of Light: Capturing and Keeping Customers in Internet
Real Time, Paul Greenberg
Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic Perspective, G Shainesh, Jagdish
N Sheth
Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships: The Future of Professional Services
(Knowledge Reader), Ross Dawson