P. 187

Accounting for Managers

                    Notes          5.  Budgets  are meant  to deal with business  conditions which are constantly  changing.
                                       Therefore, budgets estimates lose much of  their usefulness under changing conditions
                                       because of their rigidity. It is necessary that budgetary control system should be kept
                                       adequately flexible.
                                   6.  The system of budgetary control is based on quantitative data and represents only  an
                                       impersonal appraisal to the conduct of business activity, unless it is supported by proper
                                       management of personal administration.

                                   7.  It  has often been found that in practice, the organisation of budgetary control system
                                       become too heavy and, therefore, costly specially from the point of view of small concern.
                                   8.  Budgets and budgetary control have given rise to a very unhealthy tendency to be regarded
                                       as the solvent of all business problems. This has resulted in a very lukeworm human effort
                                       to deal with such problems and ultimately results in failure of budgetary control system.

                                   9.  It is a part of human nature that all controls are resented. Budgetary control, which places
                                       restrictions on the authority of the executive, is also resented by the employees.
                                   10.  Budgeting involves heavy expenditure, which small concerns cannot afford.

                                   11.  There will be active and passive resistance to budgetary control as it points out the efficiency
                                       or inefficiency of individuals.
                                   12.  The success of budgetary control depends upon willing co-operation and teamwork. This
                                       is often lacking.

                                   9.3 Installation of Budgetary Control

                                   The  following steps  should  be  considered in  detail  for  sound budgets  and for  successful
                                   implementation of the budgetary control system:
                                   1.  Forecast: Forecast is a statement that contains the facts which are likely to happen at a
                                       future date. These facts may not occur as per the estimate. There will be an element of
                                       variation. It is  only a  statement of  probable events.  Forecast acts  as a  basis for  the
                                       formulation of budgets. The degree of accuracy of forecasts is judged only after comparing
                                       it with the actual performance.
                                   2.  Organisation Chart:  There  should be  a well defined organisation  chart for  budgetary
                                       control. This will show the authority and responsibility of each executive.
                                       Functional responsibility of a particular executive:
                                       (i)  Delegation of authority to various levels.
                                       (ii)  Relative position of a functional head with heads of other functions.

                                   3.  Budget Chart: Budget Chart is a structural chart showing the flow of authority and power.
                                       It identifies levels in the management hierarchy, shows authority and power enjoyed by
                                       each level and the responsibility to be discharged. The volume and nature of the business
                                       determines the structure of the chart. This  chart helps in preparing the master budget,
                                       functional and sub-functional budgets. The following “Budget Charts” tell us as to who
                                       will prepare what budget.

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