P. 300

Unit 14: Pricing Decision

          14.6 Summary                                                                          Notes

               Pricing which is part of the overall marketing strategy plays a very critical role in the
               success of a company as it is able to increase the profitability and or increase the market
               Before determining prices certain important factors should be taken care of.
               The various methods of pricing include the following: Full cost pricing; Variable/Marginal
               Cost Plus pricing; Rate of Return Pricing; Break-even Pricing; Minimum Pricing, etc.

          14.7 Keywords

          Marginal Cost Pricing: Under marginal Cost pricing, selling price is determined by adding a
          mark up or margin on the total variable costs (marginal cost).
          Transfer Prices: Transfer prices are the amounts charged by one segment of an organization for
          a product or service that it supplies to another segment of the same organization.
          Marginal Costing Technique: Marginal costing technique helps in determining the most profitable
          relationship between costs, prices and volume of business.

          14.8 Self Assessment

          Choose the appropriate answer:

          1.   Which of the following is not a method of pricing?
               (i)  Selling Price Plus           (ii)  Rate of Return Pricing
               (iii)  Break-even Pricing         (iv)  Minimum Pricing

          2.   What is the level of sales in Rupees at which the firm neither incurs a loss nor earns profit,
               know as?
               (i)  BEP (Units)                  (ii)  BEP (Volume)

               (iii)  BEP (Sales)                (iv)  BEP (budget)
          Fill in the blanks:
          3.   Pricing ties very closely with the various stages of a ........................ .
          4.   ........................ Cost Pricing is a traditional method of pricing a product.
          5.   For minimum pricing, the selling price is the ........................ price that a company may sell
               its product.
          6.   ........................ is a useful method in situations where there is a lot of intense competition.
          7.   The target rate of return varies with ........................ or what management considers a fair
          8.   ........................ eliminates the difficulty of computing fixed costs into the products.
          9.   Multinational companies use ............................ to minimize their worldwide taxes, duties,
               and tariffs.
          10.  Full Cost Pricing is a ................................. of pricing a product.
          11.  Pricing ties very closely with the various stages of a ...................................

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