P. 68

Unit 4: Final Accounts

          4.4 Balance Sheet                                                                     Notes

          After the determination of the net profit of the business through the Trading and Profit and Loss
          Account, the businessman wants to know the financial position of the business. For this purpose
          he prepares a statement which is called the Balance Sheet. The Balance Sheet depicts the financial
          position of the business on a fixed date. A Balance Sheet is prepared with those balances of Trial
          Balance which are left out (Personal and Real accounts) after taking out the nominal accounts’
          balances to prepare the Trading and Profit and Loss Account. A Balance Sheet has two sides –
          assets side and liabilities side. The assets and liabilities are shown in a particular order.

          Marshalling of Assets and Liabilities

          Order of presenting the assets and liabilities in the Balance Sheet is called marshalling of assets
          and liabilities. A balance sheet may be prepared by marshalling the assets and liabilities in the
          following orders:

          Balance Sheet prepared in Liquidity Order

          Here liquidity means conversion of assets into cash. When a Balance Sheet is prepared on the
          basis of liquidity order, more easily convertible assets into cash are shown first and those assets
          which can not be easily converted into cash are shown later and so on. In the case of liabilities,
          first those liabilities are shown which are payable earlier and then those liabilities are shown
          which are payable later. The proforma of such a Balance Sheet is given below:
                             Proforma  of Balance  Sheet in Order of  Liquidity
                                      (as  on  ...............................  )

                          Liabilities                       Assets
                Current Liabilities                  Current Assets         ------
                Sundry Creditors               ------   Cash in Hand

                Bank Overdraft                 ------   Cash at Bank        ------
                Short-term Loan                -----   Short-term Investment   ------
                Outstanding Expenses           -----   Prepaid Expenses     ------
                Unaccrued Income               -----   Bills Receivable     ------
                Bills Payable                  -----   Accrued Incomes      ------
                Long-term Liabilities                Debtors                ------
                Capital            -----------       Closing Stock          ------
                (+) Net Profit     -----------       Fixed Assets
                                   -----------       Land & Building        ------
                (–) Drawings       -----------   ----   Plant & Machinery   ------
                Long-term Loans                ----   Furniture             ------
                Contingent Liabilities               Investments (Long-term)   ------
                                   -----------        Goodwill              ------
                                   -----------       Patents & Trademarks   ------
                                                     Livestock              ------
                                              -------                       -------

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