P. 69

Accounting for Managers

                    Notes          Balance Sheet prepared in Permanency Order

                                   Balance Sheet prepared under this order is the reverse of the Balance Sheet prepared in liquidity
                                   order. In this case first those assets are shown which are more permanent means fixed assets and
                                   then  less permanent assets (Current  Assets) are shown. Similarly, first long-term liabilities
                                   (more permanent) are shown then less permanent (short-term on current) liabilities are shown.
                                   The proforma of such type of Balance Sheet is given below:
                                                      Proforma of  Balance  Sheet  in Permanency  Order
                                                                 (as  on  ........................)
                                              Liabilities                           Assets
                                    Long-term Liabilities                  Fixed Assets
                                    Capital                ------          Land & Building             -----

                                    (+) Net Profit         ------          Plant & Machinery           -----
                                                           ------          Furniture                   -----
                                    (–) Drawings           ------   ------   Long-term Investment      -----
                                    Long-term Loans                ------   Goodwill                   -----
                                    Current Liabilities                    Patents & Trademarks        -----
                                    Sundry Creditors               ------   Livestock etc.             -----
                                    Bank Overdraft                 ------   Current Assets
                                    Bill Payable                   ------   Closing Stock              -----
                                    Short-term Loan                ------   Debtors                    -----
                                    Outstanding Expenses           ------   Accrued Incomes            -----
                                    Un-accrued Incomes             ------   Prepaid Expenses           -----
                                                                           Bill Receivable             -----
                                                                           Short-term Investments      -----
                                                                           Cash in Bank                -----
                                                                           Cash in Hand                -----
                                                                   ------                              -----

                                   Adjustment Entries
                                   If the accountant finds that some transactions are not incorporated (making proper accounting)
                                   in the books or wrongly incorporated in books, to complete the records and rectifying the errors
                                   done, some adjustments are made. They are called adjustment entries. Usually adjustment entries
                                   are made in the books before preparing the final accounts for the following items:
                                   1.  For Outstanding Expenses of the Business

                                       Outstanding Expenses: All those expenses which are not paid in the related accounting
                                       period are termed as outstanding expenses.

                                               Example: If  a company has  to pay    4000 as rent for  the  accounting period
                                       31.03.2009 - 31.03.2010 but the company had paid   3000 only then the balance  1000 will
                                       be treated as outstanding expense. The following general entries will be passed:
                                               Relating Expenses Account             Dr.

                                                 To Outstanding Expenses Account

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