P. 197

Unit 6: Quality Assurance and Control

          9.   Break down barriers between departments (here comes the concept of “internal customer”  Notes
               which is found in TQM; a department is a supplier for next one. The second one is the client
               for the first one),

          10.  Eliminate slogans (usually, it’s not the employee who did it wrong, but it’s the system
               who allowed that. No need to create tension on worker, as long as the system fails to
               prevent problems),
          11.  Eliminate management by objectives (as long as workers had to achieve an established
               production level, quality will be a secondary target),
          12.  Remove barriers to pride of workmanship (bringing problems  all the time to worker’s
               ears, will create  a discomfort for them.  Lower satisfaction  of workers  equals a lower
               interest for doing good items),
          13.  Institute education and self improvement (education is an asset. Everyone has to improve
          14.  Transformation is everyone’s job (improvements exists at every level).
          The most important book he wrote among other is Out of the Crisis in 1987. What is relevant to
          this book along these 14 principles is that he initiated the movement  toward Total Quality
          Management,  even  he didn’t used  this expression? Nowadays,  there  exists Deming Prize,
          introduced by JUSE (Japanese Union of Scientists Engineers); this prize is awarded annually for
          best proponent of TQM.

          Dr. Genichi Taguchi (Born in 1924)

          Raised in textile town of Takamachi, Japan, Taguchi studied textile engineering.
          WW II found him in Astronomical Department of navigation Institute. After several years in
          Ministry of Public health and Welfare of Japan, where he met Matosaburo Masuyama, a statistician
          who  supported him, he was  hired at  Electrical Communication  Laboratory, a rival of  Bell
          Laboratories. Here, Taguchi worked to find ways of improving quality and reliability. Taguchi
          collaborated with Shewhart and Fisher.
          Taguchi’s contribution to quality consists in what is called Taguchi Loss Functions, also design
          of experiment to product design. His estimation was that 80% of all defective items are caused
          by poor design. Therefore, emphasis should be on design stage. Design of experiment is an
          engineering approach which is based on developing robust design; this is a design which results
          in a product which can perform over a wide range of conditions. In other words, it’s easier to
          design a product which would operate under a large range of conditions, than to control these
          conditions so that the product to work as intended.
          Loss function  has implication to quality costs. Traditionally, if a product characteristic  falls
          outside specification limits, it will increase the cost of poor quality. However, if that characteristic
          is closer to specifications and not to intended target, the quality of that product is poorer, even
          if it stills satisfy the requirements. This may lead to lower customer satisfaction. Taguchi proposed
          that as conformance values moves away from the target, loss increases as a quadratic function.
          This means that smaller differences from the target result in smaller costs.

          6.16 Quality Circles

          In manufacturing, the  Japanese practice is that the responsibility for quality  rests with the
          manufacturer of the part rather than “the quality deptt. acting as a staff function i.e. here the
          responsibility is of the production deptt itself”. The workers are organised into teams (3 to 25
          members per team) who themselves take the decision on solutions to quality problems.

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