P. 7

Labour Legislations

                      Notes         Objectives

                                    After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                                         Discuss factors influencing labour legislation
                                         Explain establishment of ILO
                                         Describe nature of labour legislations
                                         State the principles of modern legislation
                                         Explain objectives of labour legislations
                                         Discuss agencies for the welfare work

                                         Explain classification of labour legislation
                                         Describe labour welfare officer
                                         Analyse statutory and non-statutory welfare measures


                                    As we all know that Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of
                                    employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and
                                    motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare
                                    measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms.
                                    The need for the labour laws  and the  labour  welfare  organizations arouse  because of  the
                                    industrial revolution. The industrial society brought the excessive exploitation of the working
                                    classes by the employers who took the advantage of the individual dispensability of the workers
                                    and wanted maximum profit on their investments. Hire and fire rule was prevalent and the
                                    general law of concern used to contract the relation between the worker and the employer, its
                                    terms were verbal.

                                    Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony
                                    through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident
                                    and unemployment for the workers and their families. Labor welfare entails all those activities
                                    of employer, which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and
                                    services in addition to wages or salaries.

                                    1.1 Introduction to Labour Welfare

                                    Labour sector addresses multi-dimensional socio-economic aspects  affecting labour welfare,
                                    productivity, living standards of labour force and  social security.  A participatory  planning
                                    process is an essential pre-condition for  ensuring equity  as well as accelerating  the rate  of
                                    growth of economy. To rise Living standards of the work force and achieve higher productivity;
                                    skill upgradation through suitable training is of utmost importance. Manpower development
                                    to provide adequate labour force of appropriate skills and quality to different sectors is essential
                                    for rapid socioeconomic development. In order to address the concerns of equity in a sustainable
                                    manner it is necessary to ensure significant improvements in the quality of labour, productivity,
                                    skill development and working conditions, and to provide welfare and social security measures
                                    particularly, to those in the unorganized sector. Employment generation in all the productive
                                    sectors is one of the basic objectives. In this context, efforts are being made for providing the
                                    environment for self-employment both in urban and rural areas. During the Ninth Plan period,
                                    elimination of undesirable practices such as child labour, bonded labour, and aspects such as

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