P. 12

Unit 1: Introduction to Performance Management

          10.   The supervisor should be evaluated on the successful administration of the plan and   Notes
               ongoing performance management responsibilities.
          11.   Training for supervisors and employees is encouraged and will be provided by University
               Human Resource Services.

             Note  Ten Top Performance Management Tips
             1.   Talk to your people often in order to head-start performance management of your
             2.   Keep formal discussions friendly and simple
             3.   Be very positive and do not spend extended time on the weaknesses of employees
             4.   Help employees achieve their needs
             5.   Build feedback in as a natural activity
             6.   Be honest in a working relationship for everyone’s benefi t
             7.   Remember that performance management is not an instrument to manage
             8.   Notice great performance and celebrate successes
             9.   Have a uncomplicated and time-bound system of performance management
             10.  Learn from mistakes
          Source: Mitu Maheshwari, May 2007, Business Manager.

          1.6 Performance Appraisal to Performance Management

          The contemporary organizations are undergoing a transformation for coping against the changing
          needs of the environment and excelling in the business by building up their adaptive capabilities
          for managing change proactively. The traditional performance appraisal system did not suffi ce
          the needs of the changing scenario as it was mainly used as a tool for employee evaluation in
          which the managers were impelled to make subjective judgments about the performance and
          behavior of the employees against the predetermined job standards.

             Note    Performance Appraisal vs. Performance Management
                Performance Appraisal              Performance Management
            Focus is on top down assessment  Stresses on mutual objective setting through a process of joint
            Performed annually        Continuous reviews are performed
            Usage of ratings is very common  Usage of ratings is less common

            Focus is on traits        Focus is on quantifiable objectives, values and behaviors
            Monolithic system         Flexible system
            Are very much linked with pay  Is not directly linked with pay

          Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of present potential capabilities of personnel
          and employees by their superiors, superior’s or a professional form outside. It is a process of
          estimating or judging the value, excellent qualities or status of a person or thing. It is a process
          of collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data relative to job behavior and results of individuals.

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