P. 264

Unit 14: Conflict and Negotiation


             Case Study  Probability in PERT

                  ERT is probabilistic in nature. It is used in those projects which are being developed
                  for the  first time. Hence, the  developer has  no previous  experience and  seeks
             Pguidance  from  the  knowledgeable  persons.  On  the  other  hand,  CPM  is
             deterministicin nature as all estimates are based on own experience or track-records.
             But it must be remembered that many internal and external events  may frustrate the
             predictions. This happens frequently and is taken as norm rather than exception especially
             in unstable economic and political environments.
             In order to make realistic estimates, PERT obtains three estimates of different scenarios as
             shown below:

                Optimistic Time Estimates if everything turns favorable.
                Pessimistic Time Estimates if all goes bad.
                Mostly likely time which would be experienced in normal conditions.

             Time Estimation Formula
             Since Optimistic and Pessimistic conditions would be far less than normal conditions, a
             weight of one each is assigned to Optimistic and Pessimistic Times. In case of  mostly
             likely time, a weight of 4 is assigned. This is a standard practice. The result is divided by
             total weight of 6, to find out weighted average which would serve as Time Estimate or Te
             as in the formula shown on the right-hand side:
             Basic Question


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