P. 195
Services Management
Notes themselves through their interactions with the employees of a service provider. Here
comes in the concept of boundary spanners. Boundary spanners are organisational members
who link their organisation with the external environment. Boundary spanning primarily
concerns the exchange of information. A boundary spanner is further defined as one who
attempts to influence external environmental elements and processes. Thus, such people
should be careful of delivering the right image of their organisation to the external
customers. In service encounters, first impressions matter a lot. The saying, “first impression
is the last impression”, fits near perfectly on service firms. These firms should make sure
that they give the best service on the first encounter itself to ensure repeat visits by the
Self Assessment
State True or False:
1. A bank official fills in all your loan documents without any mistake. This shows that he is
2. You wish that you get a free head massage with a haircut. This is your desired service
3. Your attitude towards the service provider’s facility becomes a part of enduring service
4. When the service provider exceeds customer expectations, it is the stage of customer
5. The ability of the service provider to handle difficult situations effectively is called
9.1.2 Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction in Service Encounters
Evaluation of the quality of a service encounter will result in either customer satisfaction or
dissatisfaction. Some of the factors that affect customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction and influence
a customer’s perception about the service are discussed below.
Recovery is a situation when a service failure has occurred and includes how well the employees
of the service provider respond to the situation. Examples of service failure may include flight
delays, failure to obtain a room in a hotel despite making the reservation in advance, and
improper service in a restaurant. Customers too know that it is not always possible to get
perfect service. However, it depends on a service provider how he responds and satisfies his
customer during service failures.
Service providers should listen to their Customers patiently and find out the problem at hand,
clearly without any misunderstandings. Further, a service provider should accept his failure,
apologize for it and assure the customer of his ability to correct the mistake.
Service providers should also explain to customers how they are going to solve the problem and
offer them additional benefits to satisfy them. Such measures reinforce the trust and confidence
of customers in a service provider and make them form a favorable opinion of the service.