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Services Management

                      Notes         and increase in customer net present value. An increase of 5 percent in retention rate by a service
                                    firm increases the net lifetime profits from the customer. A few such instances are given below:
                                                Table 11.2: Impact of a 5-Percentage Point Increase in Retention
                                                           Rate on Customer Net Present Value

                                         S.No.             Industry                Increase in Customer NPV (%)
                                          1.    Software                                      35
                                          2.    Office building management                    40
                                          3.    Industrial  laundry                           45
                                          4.    Industrial  distribution                      45
                                          5.    Credit  card                                  75
                                          6.    Auto service                                  81
                                          7.    Auto/home  insurance                          84
                                          8.    Branch bank deposits                          85
                                          9.    Publishing                                    85
                                          10.   Life  insurance                               90
                                          11.   Advertising  agency                           95

                                    11.4.1 The Cycle of Capability

                                    Measuring and maintaining service quality goes on to reduce variability and increase consistency
                                    of service delivery and the total capability of the firm. This has an appreciable and positive
                                    impact on employee satisfaction, which greatly lowers attrition levels. The higher loyalty factor
                                    reduces training costs increasing productivity and the quality of output. The last contribute
                                    towards raising the benchmark of performance, the maintenance and up gradation each of
                                    which will reflect on its competitive advantages, positioning, brand value and profitability (see
                                    Figure 11.6 below).
                                                      Figure 11.6: Service Quality and Customer Service

                                                            Output Quality            Service Value

                                                     Employee                          Customer
                                                      Loyalty                          Satisfaction

                                                                       Service Quality

                                    11.5 Customer Loyalty

                                    “Customer satisfaction is worthless, customer loyalty is priceless”. Service marketers have been less
                                    preoccupied with creating customers than with retaining them. They have, through trial and
                                    error – mostly the latter – sought to increase customer loyalty. It was always the customer who
                                    forced them to do more second guessing, and was always one jump ahead. He remained cussed
                                    in his attitude, enigmatic in his behaviour and forever demanding.
                                    Satisfaction will measure attitudes, a predominantly transitory, passive, and benign state for a
                                    customer, reflecting a relatively low threshold of involvement with a company. Achieving true

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