P. 108

Unit 6: Modes of Entering International Business

          6.   The interest of governments in attracting foreign capital and technologies without ceding   notes
               control of local companies to foreigners.
                             figure 6.1: evolution of factors leading to alliances

          6.3.3 Goals of alliances

          Alliances include a wide variety of goals which companies are completely or partially precluded
          from achieving when confronting competition on their own.

          Setting New Global Standards

          Entering into an alliance can be the best way to establish standards of technology in the sector.


          In the late 80’s, Philips was in essence pushed out the VCR market, when Japanese producers
          managed to impose their standards. To avoid new defeats, Philips created various alliances with
          Japanese rivals to assure technological compatibility among European and Japanese products.

          The compact disc (CD) was designed with a global standard by virtue of a series of alliances:
          1.   Between Philips and Sony, which not only contributed to the planning of the CD and sound
               reproduction, but with its presence in the alliance dissuaded other Japanese producers
               from seeking alternative solutions?
          2.   To spread usage of the CD and the standard, Philips ceded the production licensing in
               exchange for modest royalties.

          3.   Philips and DuPont made a 50-50 joint venture to produce and sell optics components for
               the audio-video market.
          4.   Philips and Sony jointly launched the mini-CD.

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