P. 40

Unit 2: Theories of International Trade

          goods viz., watches. It may however, be noted that the above analysis does not clarify whether   notes
          USA will export watches and India shirts. Answer to this question depends on the demand for
          these goods. If the domestic demand of USA for watches is less than the supply, then alone it will
          export watches, otherwise not. Likewise, India too will export shirts only if domestic demand for
          shirts is less than the supply.

                                  P 1

                                P 2
                               WATCHES  I    E


                                 O               G 1  I 1  P 1  P 2  X

             Did u know? It was Eli Heckscher who proved that international trade take place because
             of difference of costs in different countries.

          self assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          6.   Price criterion of factor ................ means that a country where capital is relatively cheap and
               labor relatively dear will be called capital abundant country.
          7.   ................ criterion of factor abundance or scarcity means that if in a country capital ratio
               is greater than labour as against another country, then it will be called capital intensive
          8.   ................, which require scarce factors on a large-scale, are imported because their domestic
               prices are high.
          9.   If in a country labour ratio is greater than ................ as against another country, then it will
               be called labour intensive country.
          10.   If capital is relatively dear and labour relatively cheap, such a country will be called capital
               ................ country.

          2.5 country similarity theory

          This  theory  was  developed  by  Staffan  B.  Linder,  a  Swedish  economist,  on  the  basis  of  his
          observation of the pattern of international trade since 1970s. According to this theory, developed
          countries trade more with other developed countries. About ¾ of total world exports is among
          the developed countries.
          This fact, by itself, is an indictment of Heckscher-Ohlin’s factor endowment theory. According
          to  the  H-O  theorem,  the  incentive  to  trade  is  greatest  among  nations  of  radically  different
          factor endowments. This means that trade would take place in larger part between developed
          manufacturing  countries  and  developing  countries  producing  primary  products  (i.e.,  natural
          resource commodities such as oil and petroleum) and labour-intensive products.

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