P. 45

International Business

                    notes          from  being  exporters  of  photocopiers  to  being  importers.  This  evolution  in  the  pattern  of
                                   international trade in photocopiers is consistent with the predictions of the product life cycle
                                   theory. The theory clearly explains the migration of mature industries out of the United States to
                                   low-cost assembly locations.
                                     Caution  Technological  changes  can  affect  the  degree  of  comparative  advantage  for  a
                                     country and its production of a certain product.

                                   2.6.3 limitations of Product life cycle theory

                                   This theory has been criticized because of the following weaknesses:
                                   1.   Applicable  on  technology-based  products:  The  technology-based  products  normally
                                       experience the changes in production process as they grow and mature. Other products
                                       such as resource-based (minerals) or services which employ capital in the form of human
                                       capital are not easily characterized by the stages of maturity.
                                   2.   Most  new  products  are  not  developed  and  introduced  in  the  United  States:  Although
                                       it may be true that from 1945 to 1975, most new products were introduced in US, there
                                       have always been important exceptions. In recent years, it has been noted that many new
                                       products are now introduced in Japan, US and the advanced European nations (laptops,
                                       computers, compact disks and electronic cameras).

                                   It is thus evident from above that Vernon theory may be useful for explaining the pattern of
                                   international trade during the brief period of American global dominance; its relevance, however,
                                   in the modern world is limited.

                                      Notes    Most new products are not developed and introduced in the United States.

                                     Did u know? Product life cycle theory clearly shows that mature industries always relocate
                                     to low-cost assembly locations.

                                   self assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:
                                   11.   As ................. expands, its process becomes increasingly standardized.
                                   12.   ................. initially proposed the product life cycle theory in the mid-1960s.
                                   13.   To explain the determinants of the demand structure, ................. argues that average per
                                       capita income is the most important one.
                                   14.   The ................. products normally experience the changes in production process as they
                                       grow and mature.

                                   15.   Staffan  B.  Linder  divided  international  trade  into  two  different  categories:  .................
                                       products and ................. goods.

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