P. 49

International Business

                    notes          Factor Endowments: A country is endowed with resources such as land, labour and capital.
                                   Isocost Line: It is that line which shows the various combinations of factors which can be obtained
                                   at the same cost. It is also called budget line. It shows what possible combinations of factors a firm
                                   can obtain at the same cost. Isocost line also shows cost-ratio of the factors.
                                   Isoproduct  Curve:  It  is  a  curve  that  shows  different  possible  combinations  of  two  factors  of
                                   production, like capital and labour, yielding the same amount of output.
                                   Physical Criterion of Factor Abundance or Scarcity: It means that if in a country capital ratio is
                                   greater than labour as against another country, then it will be called capital intensive country.
                                   2.9 review Questions

                                   1.   “Mercantilism is a bankrupt theory that has no place in the modern world.” Discuss.
                                   2.   Drawing on the theory of comparative advantage to support your arguments, outline the
                                       case for free trade.
                                   3.   What are the potential costs of adopting a free trade regime? Do you think governments
                                       should do anything to reduce these costs?
                                   4.   “If  theories,  like  girls,  could  win  beauty  contests,  the  comparative  cost  theory  would
                                       certainly rate high in that, it is an elegant logical structure”. Discuss.
                                   5.   Critically explain comparative advantage theory of international trade.
                                   6.   Explain the comparative cost theory of international trade. What are its assumptions and
                                   7.   What  are  the  main  drawbacks  of  comparative  cost  theory  of  Ricardo?  How  can  this
                                       drawback be removed?

                                   8.   Explain the modifications in the Ricardian Comparative Advantage Theory.
                                   9.   “The difference of factor endowments among the nations is the basis of international trade.”
                                   10.   Product life cycle theory has always been a very “attractive theory” to many students.
                                       What do you think are reasons for it?
                                   11.   Many trade theorists argue that the primary contribution of Michael Porter has been to
                                       re-popularize old ideas, in new and more applicable ways. To what degree do you think
                                       Porter’s ideas are new or old?
                                   12.   Discuss Income-Preference Similarity theory. What are the basic tenets of the theory?

                                   answers: self assessment

                                   1.   (e)                         2.   (d)
                                   3.   (d)                         4.   Mercantilists
                                   5.   Adam Smith                  6.   Endowment
                                   7.   Physical                    8.   Goods
                                   9.   Capital                     10.  Scarce
                                   11.   Production                 12.  Raymond Vernon

                                   13.   Linder                     14.  Technology-based
                                   15.   Primary manufacturing

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