P. 66

Unit 3: Cultural and Social Environment

          3.4 review Questions                                                                  notes

          1.   Describe the main elements of culture.

          2.   List the major approaches to the study of culture and show their relevance in international
               marketing citing examples.
          3.   How does Hofstede’s approach to cultural differences aid the international marketer? Do
               you think his approach is reasonable and valid?
          4.   What is the relation between socio-cultural factors and international marketing?
          5.   How are culture, society and the nation state interrelated?
          6.   Write a short note on the determinants of culture.
          7.   Explain the role of language and culture in India’s foreign policy.

          8.   “Language is one of the defining characteristic of a culture.” Comment.
          9.   Describe ‘in brief’ the composition and conditions of home demand.
          10.   Write a short note on religion and religious groups.

          answers: self assessment

          1.   True                        2.   False

          3.   False                       4.   False
          5.   True                        6.   True
          7.   True                        8.   to cultivate
          9.   technology                  10.  Aesthetics
          11.   Values                     12.  Exaggerated

          13.   Hindus                     14.  Culture
          15.   English

          3.5 further readings

           Books      C.B. Gupta, Business Environment.

                      Francis Cherunillam, Global Business Environment.
                      M. Kapagam, Environmental Economics.
                      Philip R. Cateora, International Marketing.

          Online links


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