P. 13
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management
Caution In most cases, this complexity occurs from an ambiguity about the primary purpose
of the project.
Where do we start? How do we know when to stop? When can (should) we evaluate the
Each type of project yields miscellaneous answers to these questions - and this implies that each
type of project needs a somewhat different process and management style.
Start Stop Evaluate
Construction With a set of When the artifact is On delivery of the
requirements. “complete”. artifact.
With a defined When the requirements are Over the lifetime of the
solution. satisfied. artifact.
Research With a hypothesis. When the time runs out. When the knowledge is
With a problem. When we detect diminishing confirmed or
returns. disconfirmed by later
When the knowledge is
used by later work.
Reengineering With a problem. When we seem to be ahead of At any time.
With an opportunity. the game.
With an (imported) When some higher process
solution. changes the game we’re
Procurement With a set of We construct a tender Over the lifetime of the
requirements. document that is “complete”. contract.
With a defined We sign a contract with the On completion of the
solution. supplier who seems to be contract.
ahead at the end of the tender
Business With an When the process is When the process has
Implementation opportunity. operational. been running smoothly
With a business When the process has been for a defined period.
concept. running smoothly for a When the business
defined period. benefits are starting to
When the business benefits are become visible.
starting to become visible. Over the lifetime of the
1.3 Activities by Software Project Management
1.3.1 Planning
Project planning is a feature of Project Management, which includes of various processes. The
aim of these processes is to make sure that various Project tasks are well coordinated and they
meet the various project goals including timely completion of the project. Project Planning is a
feature of Project Management that focuses a lot on Project Integration. The project plan shows
the current status of all project activities and is used to observe and control the project.
The Project Planning tasks ensure that various elements of the Project are coordinated and
therefore guide the project execution.