P. 18
Software Project Management
Notes that, for example, software programmers have to wait for the completion of the design
phase before starting implementing and integrate the design. Designing and building a
software project with an iterative approach resolves this problem. Integration and
implementation will not only happen at the end of the project, but in every iteration. This
saves time, as more team members can work more of the time.
Figure 1.1: The Iterative Approach to Software Development
Managing changes in software requirements will be made simpler by using RUP. If a
software project is very small, it is nearly unfeasible to define all the software requirements
at the beginning of a project. It will almost always take more than one step to know what
the final software product will look like, for the customer as well as for the project members.
Developing with iterations makes this process of changing, requirements, that often leads
to missed schedules and disappointed customers, less troublesome.
RUP itself is software, too, and is dispersed in an electronic and online form. Team members
don’t need to leave their computers for RUP related activities. No more searching in big,
dusty books. All facts about the software development methodology is available at the
project members’ fingertips. Also, the newest version of RUP is always present on the
computer of each team member. And even more significant, it makes sure that every team
member is using the same version of RUP. RUP is designed and documented using UML,
in an object oriented way. This makes it easy to adapt RUP to the special needs of a single
project or organization.
RUP is a commercial product, no open or free standard. Previous to RUP can be used, the
RUP has to be bought from IBM, as an electronic software and documentation package.
The RUP only exists in an electronic form, which can occasionally limit its use.
RUP, as said before, explains the whole software design process with high detail; it is a
very complex methodology, tricky to comprehend for both project managers and project
members. Therefore, it is not the most appropriate software design methodology for
most small projects.