P. 115

Unit 8: Cryptography and Encryption

          Electronic  credentials  are  intended  to  permit  the  credence  of  a  claim  to  be  confirmed  Notes
          electronically. Even though no purely electronic credentialing systems are in widespread use at
          this time, many such systems are being incorporated into the smart-card systems in widespread
          use in Europe. A smart-card is just a credit-card shaped computer that performs cryptographic
          functions and accumulates secret information. When used in combination with other devices
          and  systems, it permits a broad variety of cryptographic applications to be performed  with
          relative ease of use to the customer.

          8.2.7 Electronic  Signatures

          Electronic signatures are a means of supplying a lawfully binding transaction between two or
          more parties. To be as functional as a physical signature, electronic signatures must be at least as
          hard to fake at least as easy to use, and accepted in a court of law as binding upon all parties to
          the  operation.

          The requirement for these electronic signatures is particularly acute in business dealings wherein
          the parties to a agreement are not in the same physical vicinity.

                 Example: An global sale of an airplane, signatures are usually required from two bankers,
          two companies, two insurance agencies, two attorneys, two governments, and frequently several
          other parties.
          The contracts are hundreds of pages long, and signatures must be achieved within a relatively
          short phase of time on the similar physical document. Faxcimily signatures are not lawfully
          binding in all jurisdictions, and the sheer length of a document prevents all parties reading the
          present copy as they meet at the table to affix signatures. Under current law, all parties must
          meet in one location so as to complete the transaction. In a transatlantic sale, $100,000 in costs can
          simply be incurred in such a meeting.
          An attempt in  Europe is at present  underway to  restore physical signatures with  electronic
          signatures based on the RSA cryptosystem. If this effort succeeds, it will permit many millions
          of dollars to be saved, and launch the period of digital signatures into full scale motion. It will
          also make a large savings for those who use the system, and thus act to force others to participate
          in order to remain competitive.

          8.2.8 Electronic  Cash

          There are patents under force throughout the world today to allow electronic information to
          replace cash money  for financial transactions between  individuals. Such  a system involves
          using cryptography to keep the assets of nations in electronic form. Clearly the ability to forge
          such a system would allow national economies to be destroyed in an instant. The pressure for
          integrity in such a system is staggering.

          8.2.9 Threshold Systems

          Thresholding systems are systems intended to permit use only if a minimal number of parties
          consent to the said use.

                 Example:  In a nuclear arms circumstances, you might want a system in which three out
          of five members of the joint chiefs of staff have the same opinion. In a banking situation, a safe
          might only be opened if 4 out of the certified 23 people permitted to open the safe were present.
          Such systems prevent a single individual acting alone, while permitting many of the parties to
          a transaction to be missing without the transaction being halted.

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