P. 27

Unit 2: Threats

                                     Table  2.1: Malicious  Threats
                                            Typical                           Assessing
            Category   Threat   OSI Layer   Definition   Vulnerabilities  Prevention   Detection
                                           Behaviors                          damages
           Malicious   Virus   Application Malicious   Replicates within All computers   Limit   Changes in file Contain, identify
           Software            software that   computer   Common   connectivity.  sizes or   and recover
                               attaches itself to  system,   categories   Limit   date/time   Antivirus
                               other software.   potentially     Boot sector   downloads    stamps    scanners- look for
                               For example, a   attaching itself to   Use only   Computer is   known viruses
                               patched software every software     Terminate   authorized   slow starting   Antivirus
                               application in   application    and Stay   media for   or slow
                               which the   Behavior   Resident   loading data   running    monitors- look for
                                                                            virus related
                               patch’s   categories    (TSR)    and software
                               algorithm is     Innocuous      Application  Enforce   Unexpected or  application
                               designed to           software       system failures
                               implement the     Humorous    mandatory     Attempt to
                                                     Stealth (or  access
                               same patch on     Data altering     Change of   determine source
                                                     Chameleo)   controls.
                               other                                system   of infection and
                                           Catastrophic      Mutation   Viruses
                               applications,                        date/time    issue alert
                               thereby               engine    generally   Low computer
                               replicating.          Network    cannot run   memory or
                                                           unless host
                                                     Mainframe     increased bad
                                                           application is
                                                           running   blocks on
                  Worm   Application  Malicious   Often designed  Multitasking   Limit   Computer is   Contain, identify
                         Network   software which  to propagate   computers,   connectivity,  slow starting  and recover
                               is a stand alone  through a   especially those  employ   or slow   Attempt to
                               application   network, rather  employing   firewalls    running    determine source
                                         than just a single  open network   Worms can   Unexpected or  of infection and
                                         computer   standards   run even   frequent   issue alert
                                                           without a host  system failures
                  Trojan   Application A Worm which  Same as Virus or  Unlike Worms,  User   Same as Virus  Same as Virus
                  Horse        pretends to be a  Worm, but also  which self   cooperation   and Worm   and Worm
                               useful program  sometimes used  propagate,   allows Trojan   Alert must be
                               or a Virus which  to send   Trojan Horses  Horses to   issued, not only
                               is purposely   information back  require user   bypass   to other system
                               attached to a   to or make   cooperation    automated   admins, but to all
                               useful program  information   Untrained users  controls    network users
                               prior to   available to   are vulnerable  User training
                               distribution   perpetrator   is best
                  Time Bomb Application A Virus or   Same as Virus or  Same as Virus  Run associated Correlate user  Contain, identify
                               Worm designed  Worm, but   and Worm    anti-viral   problem   and recover
                               to activate at a   widespread   Time Bombs   software   reports to find   Attempt to
                               certain   throughout   are usually   immediately   patterns   determine source
                               date/time   organization   found before   as available   indicating   of infection and
                                         upon trigger date  the trigger date   possible Time  issue alert
                  Logic   Application A Virus or   Same as Virus or  Same as Virus  Same as Virus  Correlate user  Contain, identify
                  Bomb         Worm designed  Worm   and Worm   and Worm   problem   and recover
                               to activate under                    reports   Determine source
                               certain                              indicating   and issue alert
                               conditions                           possible Logic
                  Rabbit   Application  A Worm   Rabbit consumes  Multitasking   Limit   Computer is   Contain, identify
                         Network   designed to   all CPU cycles,   computers,   connectivity,  slow starting  and recover
                               replicate to the   disk space or   especially those  employ   or running    Determine source
                               point of   network   on a network   firewalls   Frequent   and issue alert
                               exhausting   resources, etc.         system failures
                  Bacterium  Application A Virus   Operating   Older versions  Limit write   Changes in OS Antivirus
                               designed to   System   of operating   privileges and  file sizes,   scanners: look for
                               attach itself to   consumes more  systems are   opportunities  date/time   known viruses
                               the OS in   and more CPU   more   to OS files    stamps    Antivirus
                               particular (rather cycles, resulting  vulnerable than   System   Computer is   monitors: look for
                               than any   eventually in   newer versions   administrators  slow in   virus related
                               application in   noticeable delay  since hackers   should work   running    system behaviors.
                               general) and   in user   have had more   from non-  Unexpected or
                               exhaust   transactions   time to write   admin
                               computer            Bacterium   accounts   frequent
                                                                    system failures
                               resources,                  whenever
                               especially CPU              possible
           Spoofing   Spoofing   Network   Getting one   Spoofing   Automation   Limit system  Monitor   Disconnect
                         Data Link  computer on a   computer often  services   privileges of   transaction   automation
                               network to   doesn’t have   designed for   automation   logs of   services until
                               pretend to have  access to user   network   services to   automation   patched or
                               the identity of   level commands  interoperability  minimum   services,   monitor
                               another   so attempts to   are especially   necessary    scanning for   automation
                               computer,   use automation  vulnerable,   Upgrade via   unusual   access points,
                                           LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
                               usually one with  level services,   especially those   such as network       21
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