P. 8

Information  Security and Privacy

                    Notes          Any system designed to provide Information with above-discussed qualities to the managers in
                                   an organization for decision-making is called an ‘Information System.’ But before formalizing
                                   the word ‘Information System’, we need to understand the meaning of the term ‘System’ in more
                                   detail and then look into the ‘Management Information System’ which is an important subset of
                                   the overall information system in an organization.

                                   1.1 Information Systems: Meaning

                                   The word ‘System’ is a common term that we use in daily life. Literally speaking, a system is a
                                   set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose or in other words, a system is a set
                                   of interrelated components or objects that work together for the overall objective.
                                   The term, system, is taken from the word  ‘Systema’  which means an organized relationship
                                   among its components. The  system can  be defined  as orderly grouping of  interdependent
                                   components linked together according to plan to achieve a specific objective or goal. Therefore,
                                   a system is designed to achieve one or more objectives. The components/parts of a system refer
                                   to sub-system. A ‘sub-system’ is a system which is an element of a larger system. The large
                                   system is called a super system or supra system.
                                   Although the word, system, is used in many diverse areas, all systems have some common
                                   properties—they have elements, environments, and communication  between their elements
                                   and  with the  environment. A system is  designed  to  achieve a  predefined objective. Also,
                                   interrelation and interdependence must exist amongst the components.
                                   So, broadly we can define a system as an organized collection of people, machines, procedures,
                                   documents, data or any other entities such that they interact with each other as well as with the
                                   environment to reach a predefined goal.
                                   Now, it is time to see the real meaning and concept of Information Systems. Too often you hear
                                   someone say, “Oh yeah, I know how to use a computer. I can surf the Web with the best of them
                                   and I can play Solitaire for hours. I’m really good at computers.” Okay. So that person can pound
                                   a keyboard, use a mouse at lightning speed, and has a list of favorite Web sites a mile long. But
                                   the real question is “Is that person’s information literate?” Just because you can pound  the
                                   keyboard it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can leverage the technology to your advantage or
                                   the advantage of your organization. An organization can gather and keep all the data on its
                                   customers that a hard drive can hold.  You can  get all the output reports that  one desk can
                                   physically hold. You can have the fastest Internet connection created to date. But if the organization
                                   doesn’t take advantage of customer data to create new opportunities, then all it has is useless
                                   information. If the output report doesn’t tell the management that it has a serious problem on
                                   the factory floor, then all that’s been accomplished is to kill a few more trees. If you don’t know
                                   how to analyze the information from a Website to take advantage of new sales leads, then what
                                   have you really done for yourself today?

                                      Task  Make distinction between sub-system and super system.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  Any system  designed to  provide Information  with above-discussed  qualities to  the
                                       managers in an organization for decision-making is called an ..................... .

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