P. 17

Management Information Systems

                    Notes          7.  ............................................. is about igniting growth by linking the corporate body to the
                                   8.  ............................................. deals with the people side of transformation, and with the spirit
                                       of the company.

                                   1.4 Information and Knowledge Economy

                                   Information work is the art of creating and processing information. We use the term “art”
                                   because some companies do a very good job of creating,  processing,  and managing their
                                   information; others do such a poor job that these tasks become a detriment to the success of the
                                   organization. Which kind of company do you want to work for or own?
                                   The two groups of employees primarily concerned with KWS are the data workers who process
                                   and distribute information and the knowledge workers who create knowledge and information.
                                   There are several ways to distinguish these two groups. You can also distinguish the two by the
                                   type of work they perform and how they create and use information. Here are some questions
                                   to help you:
                                      Do they create original ideas, or do they process, record, and store someone else’s?

                                      Do they make their own original decisions regarding the information?
                                      Do they establish procedures to create and process the information, or do they follow
                                       someone else’s procedures?

                                      Task  Explain the use of four R’s of business transformation in an organization.

                                   1.4.1 Distributing Knowledge – Office and Document Management

                                                                     Figure  1.2

                                   The office, as we know it in the traditional sense, is the setting for the generation and processing
                                   of information. As the above figure shows, it’s where different roles mesh into a smooth
                                   “machine” of producing information, knowledge, and ideas instead of a product that you can
                                   touch, feel, or smell.

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