P. 12

Unit 1: Management Information Systems

          Information Technology on the Emergence of Networks                                   Notes

          At the moment, the most spectacular and potentially powerful uses of the information systems
          technology go beyond the individual borders of the enterprises. In fact, the most important
          function of IT in the nineties is the better management of the interdependencies among the
          enterprises. Information Technology has to be the most powerful instrument to reduce the
          co-ordination costs». While the traditional uses of IT tried to facilitate the internal processes of
          the enterprises, the Interorganizational Information Systems (IOS) are addressed towards the
          efficiency of a group of enterprises.
          Most of the studies about IOS have focused on the incidence of IT on the flows of information
          among the organizations, its capability of reducing the transaction costs, and its potential to
          achieve competitive advantages. Many authors have verified that:
              IT influences the nature, punctuality and detail level of the information shared by enterprises

              IT reduces the transaction costs, while it provides a better management of the risks
              IT reduces the co-ordination costs.
          In order to benefit from the advantages of IT, the enterprises have to keep in mind that IT cannot
          be isolated from its organizational context». We do not agree with the existence of causation
          between the implementation of IT and the organizational changes in the enterprise driving to
          an increase in the competitiveness of the enterprises. On the contrary the technological and
          organizational implementations are both sides of the same issue, since they depend on and
          determine each other». We think that, although IT might have the above mentioned positive
          effects on the organizations, the will and capabilities of the directors of the company are needed
          in order to make the most of those advantages.

          In order to make the most of the whole potential of the IOS, it will be required that the managing
          directors get involved with the project, since they have a wider and more strategic view of the
          company. In this way, a system coherent with the objectives of the company would be implemented.
          This system would allow taking even more profit from IT, what would have positive repercussions
          on the enterprise and would facilitate the achievement of its objectives. The active participation of
          the Management Board in the planning of the IOS brings a problem related to the fact that IT is a
          relatively new resource that did not exist when most of the current managers were trained.
          Therefore, they usually do not feel comfortable with these new technologies.
          As a proof of this, we will consider an example.

                 Example: McKesson was a dealer company of chemical products. This company knew that
          its success was linked to that of its customers, which were small stores, so it established a close
          relationship with them. By means of an appropriate use of Information Technologies, it helped its
          customers to maximize their profits, since it gave them useful information for competing with the
          big pharmaceutical chains, which were getting a greater market share. The McKesson Corporation
          directors’ idea was so successful that many other enterprises of the sector tried to imitate it, but
          they made a terrible mistake. They thought that the network created by McKesson was just a
          computerized system with terminals connected in other enterprises.
          The secret of the success of this company were not the computer links; information technology did
          not create the network. The network’s success was due to the fact that the directors of McKesson
          were aware of both the relationships along the added value chain and the need to strengthen as
          much as possible every link within the chain, so cooperative behaviors could be established in
          order to provide the share of information and the quick response to the changes of the demand.

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