P. 23
Management Information Systems
being told it to do. Your goal should be to integrate the technology into the world of people.
Humans do control the technology, and as a manager, you shouldn’t lose sight of that.
How can we define information systems that people can control and understand? Although
information systems have provided enormous benefits and efficiencies, they have also created
new problems and challenges of which managers should be aware. The following table describes
some of these problems and challenges.
Management’s focus must continually change to take advantage of new opportunities. They
require lots of attention and planning for smooth execution.
Caution Changes should take place throughout the organization.
Table 1.2: Positive and Negative Impacts of
Information Systems
Positive Impact of Information Systems Negative Impact of Information Systems
Information system can perform calculations or By automating activities that were previously
process paperwork much faster than people. performed by people, information systems may
eliminate jobs.
Information systems can help companies learn Information systems may allow organisations to
more about the purchase patterns and the collect personal details about people that violate
preferences of the customers. their privacy.
Information systems provide new efficiencies Information systems are used in so many aspects
through services such as automated teller of everyday life that system outages can cause
machines (ATMs), telephone systems, or shutdowns of businesses or transportation
computer controlled airplanes and air terminals. services, paralyzing communities.
Information systems have made possible new Heavy uses of information systems may suffer
medical advances in surgery, radiology, and repetitive stress injury, technostress, and other
patient monitoring. health problems.
The internet distributes information instantly to The internet can be used to distribute illegal
millions of people across the world. copies of software, books, articles, and other
intellectual property.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
14. In case of ........................... Challenge, creating a digital firm and obtaining benefit is a long
and difficult journey for most organizations.
15. A good ........................... meets both domestic and foreign opportunities and challenges.
Case Study Hospital Information System
olecular biology is one of two technologies that will shape how medicine will
be practiced for future time (generation). Now-a-day’s, we diagnose on the
Mbasis of present symptoms which require immediate control & attention but
future doctors will be able to spot the signs of any disease years before the disease actually