P. 205

Rural Marketing

                    Notes          9.  Distributors/wholesalers take up other customer oriented activities like providing leasing
                                       options to the customers, through their Dealers.
                                   10.  Boutiques have sprung up in most cities to cater to the elite of the town.

                                   11.  Shop-less shops sell products to customers through television shows, computer advertising
                                       and telephone marketing.

                                   10.5 Leasing and Hire Purchase

                                   Twenty-first  century has seen great  revolution in  television and  information technology  in
                                   India. This has lead to much greater awareness of consumer products among the people. They
                                   are thinking of buying high cost products, which they may not be able to afford. Consumerism,
                                   keeping up with the neighbours is the trend today. Manufacturers and sellers both not only
                                   encourage the trend as it helps them sell more, they also facilitate the buyers by giving them
                                   deferred payment options. For financing purchase by customers, the sellers are taking the help
                                   of finance leasing firms. Now buyers can buy cars, houses and other luxuries without having
                                   ready cash for the purchase. They can get the money from the leasing firms, on interest. The
                                   advantages of lease purchase are given below.
                                   1.  As no money is to be paid, or only a token amount is to be paid, the buyer tends to buy
                                       more, many times he buys things, which he really does not want.
                                   2.  The buyer buys larger quantity than what he needs.
                                   3.  Buyer can possess items much beyond his capacity to purchase and feel good.

                                   4.  Buyer can make payments for the purchase as per his capacity to pay on a monthly basis.
                                   5.  Products with low brand awareness get sold.
                                   The disadvantages of lease purchase are given below.
                                   1.  Buyer buys products he does not want/can not afford.
                                   2.  Monthly payments can become a big dent in buyer’s pocket.
                                   3.  Sellers may sell to a buyer who does not have the money to pay or may not have intentions
                                       of making the payments. In such a case the seller has to run after the buyer and he may have
                                       to resort to legal action to claim the amount, which is not good for business of the seller.
                                   As in the West, especially in America leasing and hire purchase has become a norm, it is expected
                                   to take further roots in India also.
                                   Firms, who have selected sales through channels rather than their own, salespersons may face
                                   the following situations.

                                   Exclusive Dealer/Distributor

                                   Dealer/distributor should be selling only their products exclusively. In such an event the dealers
                                   are not allowed to sell competitive products. These dealers, therefore, expect the seller to be also
                                   totally loyal to them and not sell their products through any other dealer or channel. The dealer
                                   expects the seller to remain competitive in the market and for this purpose he wants matching
                                   prices, discounts and other terms of business as compare to what the competitors are offering to
                                   their dealers. The seller has to remain vigilant in such situations as mostly the dealer tries to
                                   exaggerate the terms of competition for the better, which may not always be true. Seller needs
                                   to verify these statements from independent sources too.

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