P. 285

Services Marketing

                    Notes          8.  “Understanding and sketching a pattern of demand variation is very important in services”.
                                   9.  Suppose you are the marketing manager of a healthcare firm. What would you do to
                                       manage excess demand if you have capacity constraints which you cannot change?
                                   10.  Suppose you are the marketing manager of a hotel. What would you do to manage excess
                                       demand knowing that you cannot control demand?
                                   11.  What are the ways to manage the customers waiting to avail the service in a bank and at
                                       a doctor’s clinic?

                                   12.  Do you think that the waiting time and management of waiting lines are linked with
                                       customer loyalty? Substantiate your answer.

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.  c                                    2.   b
                                   3.  d                                    4.   c

                                   5.  False                                6.   True
                                   7.  True                                 8.   True
                                   9.  Capacity                             10.  Facilities

                                   11.  Time                                12.  Capacity/demand
                                   13.  True                                14.  True
                                   15.  False                               16.  True

                                   14.8 Further Readings

                                   Books       C Bhattacharjee, Services Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi
                                               Christopher H Lovelock, Services Marketing, third edition, Prentice Hall, US

                                               Douglas Hoffman and John E G Bateson, Essentials of Service Marketing: Concepts,
                                               Strategies and Cases, 2  Edition, India: Thomson Asia, 2002
                                               Leonard L Berry, Great Service: A Framework for Action, the Free Press

                                   Online links


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