P. 8
Unit 1: Introduction to Organisation Development
Warner Burke emphasizes that OD is not just “anything done to better an organisation”; it Notes
is a particular kind of change process designed to bring about a particular kind of end
OD is a systematic application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development
and reinforcement of organisational strategies, structures and processes for improving an
organisation’s effectiveness. (Cummings and Worley, 1993)
Analysis of the Definitions
The definitions so analyzed contain the elements which are important for OD. To summarize,
here are the primary distinguishing characteristics of organisational developments:
OD focuses on culture and processes.
OD focuses on the human and social side of the organisation.
OD realize on the action research model with extensive participation by client system
OD takes a developmental view that aims at the betterment of both individual and the
organisation i.e., “win-win” solutions.
It encourages the involvement and participation by all the level of organisation in the
problem solving and decision-making.
1.2 Nature and Scope of OD
1. OD is a Long-term Effort: which means that organisational change and development take
long time in fact it is a never ending journey of continuous change for organisation
2. Supported by Top Management: The OD programmers seeks the serious attention and
commitment from the top management for achieving it’s objectives of improvements.
3. OD is a Learning Process: which means the process of interaction, listening and self-
examining which facilitates individual, team and organisational learning.
4. OD is visioning Processes: which mean the organisation members develop a picture of the
desired future that includes the humanistic approach to make that picture a reality.
5. OD is an Empowerment Process: which means those leadership behaviors and human
resource practices that enable organisation members to develop and use their talents as
fully as possible towards organisational growth and success.
6. Contractual Relationship: Although neither the sponsoring organisation nor the change
agent can be sure at the outset of the exact nature of the problem or problems to be dealt
with or how long the change agent’s help will be needed, it is essential that some tentative
agreement on these matters be reached. The sponsoring organisation needs to know
generally what the change agent’s preliminary plan is, what its own commitments are in
relation to personal commitments and responsibility for the program, and what the change
agent’s fee will be. The change agent must assure himself that the organisation’s, and
particularly the top executives’, commitment to change is strong enough to support the
kind of self analysis and personal involvement requisite to success of the program.
Recognizing the uncertainties lying ahead on both sides, a termination agreement
permitting either side to withdraw at any time is usually included.