P. 332
Unit 14: Supply Chain Logistics Administration
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM): The SRM macro process refers to arrange for and Notes
manage supply sources for various goods and services.
Supply Chain Security: It refers to efforts to enhance the security of the supply chain, the
transport and logistics system for the world’s cargo.
14.7 Review Questions
1. Explain Supplier Relationship Management with the help of example.
2. Discuss the two types of intangible assets.
3. “Trust is developed by doing things jointly and in an aligned fashion over a period of
time.” Elucidate.
4. Highlight the classification of supply chain relationship management processes which is
based on the focus of the processes.
5. Describe Supply Chain Macro Processes.
6. Define CRM.
7. Write brief note on Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) Focus.
8. “The external exchange relationship between purchasing and supplier organizations is
interactive in nature.” Explain.
9. Discuss the operative dimensions of organisations.
10. Highlight the three primary operative dimensions of SCM.
11. Elucidate Asset Utilization.
12. What do you understand by supply chain security?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Intangible 2. Relational
3. Intellectual 4. Trust
5. True 6. False
7. True 8. False
9. Evaluation 10. Balanced Scorecards
11. Asset 12. Equipment
13. Supply chain security 14. International trade
15. Securing 16. Cargo
14.8 Further Readings
Books Ballou, R.H. (1998). “Business Logistics Management: Planning, Organizing, and
Controlling the Supply Chain.” Prentice Hall
Bowersox, D.J. and D.J. Closs, (1996), “Logistical Management: The Integrated Supply
Chain Process.” McGraw Hill