P. 197

International Marketing

                                          Example: Organization A‘s vision is to promote green and clean world. Naturally its
                                   products need to be eco-friendly and biodegradable, in lines with the vision of the organization.
                                       Brand Focus: Brand Focus represents the corporate identity of the brand.
                                       Consumer Experience: Marketers need to focus on consumer experience, i.e. what the
                                       customers feel about the product. A consumer is likely to choose a product which has good
                                       packaging and looks attractive. Products need to meet and exceed customer expectations.

                                       Communication Tools: Communication tools include various modes of promotion of a
                                       particular brand; such as advertising, direct selling, promoting through social media such
                                       as facebook, twitter, etc.

                                       Promotional Tools: Brands are promoted through various promotional tools such as
                                       trade promotions, personal selling and so on. Organizations need to strengthen their
                                       relationship with customers and external clients.
                                       Integration Tools: Organizations need to keep a regular track on customer feedbacks and
                                       reviews. They need to have specific software like customer relationship management
                                       (CRM) which helps in measuring the effectiveness of various integrated marketing
                                       communications tools.

                                      Task  Explain the process of Communication with the help of an illustration.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:

                                   1.  ........................................ integrating all the methods of brand promotion to promote a
                                       particular product.

                                   2.  The process of ................................. involves identifying target consumers and promoting
                                       the brand among them through means of Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relation,
                                       Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, Social Media, etc.
                                   3.  ................. can be defined as transmitting, receiving, and processing information.

                                   4.  The three elements in any IMC strategy are the ................., the channels through which the
                                       message is communicated, and the evaluation of the results of the communication.

                                   11.2 Global Communication Strategy

                                   A Global Communication strategy is extremely beneficial for a firm. It can help market the
                                   product or service in many different countries around the world. Global communication has
                                   historically required large budgets. However, emerging communication techniques like social
                                   media can make global communication campaigns affordable for companies of all sizes.
                                   The major benefits of a Global Communication Strategy are:

                                       Consistency: Creating a global communication program enables a firm to communicate a
                                       consistent message to customers in all its export markets. Consumers receive marketing
                                       messages from a number of different sources, so delivering a consistent message is the
                                       most effective way to reach consumers.

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