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Foundation of Library and Information Science
Notes at reasonable prices, purchase agricultural implements, irrigate his land, etc. The ignorance of a
farmer is, at present, being exploited by middlemen.
Similarly, policies of the Government relating to agro-industries need to be popularised
in villages and hamlets so that a climate in favour of agro-industries is created which, in
the long run, will be able to arrest the migration of the rural population.
Developmental Activities: Dissemination of information relating to development activities
like construction of canals, dams and approach roads, digging water, construction of
houses for weaker sections, establishment of cottage and village industries, etc., goes a
long way in improving the economic conditions of the rural population. Dissemination of
social information relating to unhealthy and unsocial practices in society is likely to bring
out the issues into the open; and rally the people to face them boldly and profitably. Some
such issues relate to: child marriage, widow marriage, the practice, Sati burning, dowry
deaths, ragging in academic institutions, and portrayal of women in low profile, corruption
in public offices, drinking and gambling. In order to enable the people to think loudly on
such issues, they should be provided with free and impartial sources of information.
Public library is the most suitable agency to undertake this task.
Popularization of Science: Scientific and technological information also needs to be
published widely and in an understandable manner so that favourable attitude for such
information is created among people. Information relating to science and technology
which could be applied in day-to-day life needs to be made known by lectures,
demonstrations and science exhibitions. Live demonstrations by agricultural scientists of
the use of fertilisers will help the villagers. Dissemination of information through public
libraries, on health and hygiene, child care, children’s diseases will be highly profitable to
all segments of the society.
Language Groups: As there are a number of linguistic populations in our country, libraries
need to communicate information in regional languages – major or minor and not in a
language unknown to the people. By systematic bibliographic work, librarians need to
identify the lacunae in subject literature in different languages and communicate such
information to potential authors and others who are concerned with production of
literature. Efforts also need to be made to produce such literature in audio-visual format.
Religious (Groups): In order to build a sense of unity and respect for human values,
literature relating to common objectives of different religions, their beliefs and practices
needs wider circulation among the public. At every opportunity the libraries should
inculcate democratic traditions and values among people. Knowledge regarding our
constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights and responsibilities is essential on the
part of every citizen. Similarly, appreciation of the benefits and pitfalls of adult franchise
has to be brought to the knowledge of the general public.
Legal Groups: Legal information relating to family laws, property laws, crime, etc., needs
wider circulation. Awareness of rights as well as responsibilities in civil laws and criminal
laws is vital for avoiding unwanted strife and misery among families and communities.
Again, knowledge about the hazards of multi-party system in a federal structure of
government needs due to reach the public.
6.4.2 A Centre for Self-education
A very important function of a public library is to work as a centre for self-education. Institutions
of formal learning like schools, colleges and universities provide a person a means of education