P. 116

Unit 6: Public Libraries

          for a particular period in certain subjects in a very formal way. But a person has varied interests  Notes
          in which he would like to seek knowledge at a pace or time, which suits his situation. Most
          importantly, he would love to do it in an informal way. Public library is the institution which
          provides self-education suiting one’s interests throughout one’s life span. Such a self-education
          enriches a person’s life to a great extent and mitigates his or- her day-to-day hardships.

                 Example:  Consider the case of a mechanic who has an innate desire to develop
          photography as his hobby. Public library assists such an individual to cultivate photography as
          a hobby by providing him suitable information and material to understand the mechanism of a
          camera, to handle it effectively, etc., in a non-technical language. As he masters the basics of
          photography, the library provides him additional materials to keep up his interests. Thus, his
          leisure hours are spent in fulfilling his desire to learn in his own-way about his hobby which
          enriches his outlook on life. The money, time and energy utilised in this pursuit pays many fold
          dividend not only to the person concerned but to all those who are close to him.

          6.4.3 A Centre for Culture

          A public library apart from being a centre of self-education and information is required to serve
          as a centre to promote local or regional culture. The UNESCO Manifesto declares that the public
          library is concerned with the refreshment of man’s spirit by the provision of books for relaxation
          and pleasure.
          The term ‘books’ is interpreted here in the widest sense to include all recorded materials of
          mankind: So, all recorded materials of mankind depicting his excellence in prose, poetry, drama;
          music, painting, dance and sculpture are collected together to provide a smoothening effect to
          the working mind. As a public library is required to meet the individual needs of the local
          public, local or regional cultural materials are given a place of prominence.
          To recapitulate, a public library is essentially a free library, financed by public funds providing
          impartial service to all the members of a local community and which serves as auxiliary
          educational institutions. It is a democratic institution providing information, education and
          cultural environment to each according to his needs.
          6.4.4 A Centre for Local Cultural Materials

          Yet another important function fulfilled by a modern public library is to identify and collect
          cultural material of importance available in its area. These may be works of art or sculpture,
          paintings, literary documents, musical instruments of the past, etc. In short, a public library goes
          in search of all such materials which link the people of the locality with its cultural past. In
          countries like UK and USA, public libraries have separate sections known as ‘local history
          collections’. For the young, even an observation of such cultural materials kindles in him a sense
          of pride and achievement. Some of them are even tempted to try their hands or minds to
          contribute their own share to such cultural materials. In India, such cultural materials are often
          found in almost every town or village but most of them have remained scattered and unnoticed.
          These material need to be brought to the attention of the public at large so that they take due
          interest and pride in belonging to those places where these are found.

          6.4.5 Development of Democratic Spirit

          A public library by providing all shades of opinion on a particular topic or issue engaging the
          attention of a person at a particular time gives him an opportunity to think over the issue
          dispassionately and objectively. In short, by being an impartial-information agency, it stimulates

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