P. 120

Unit 6: Public Libraries

          6.7 Review Questions                                                                  Notes

          1.   Define public library.
          2.   Discuss the evolution of public libraries factors.

          3.   What are the features of contemporary Indian society?
          4.   Describe the purpose of public library in India.
          5.   Discuss the characteristics of Generation X and Generation Y people in public library.
          6.   Highlight the basic elements of public library.
          7.   Explain the role of centre for information in public library.

          8.   Describe an impartial service agency.
          9.   Discuss the development of democratic spirit.
          10.  Elucidate the importance of a centre for culture in public library.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   True                             2.   False

          3.   False                            4.   True
          5.   Bureaucratic                     6.   Community
          7.   Generation X                     8.   Millennials
          9.   False                            10.  True

          11.  True                              12.  False
          13.  Social                           14.  Science and Technology
          15.  UNESCO                            16.  Mankind

          6.8 Further Readings

           Books      Budd, John (2001), Knowledge and Knowing in Library and Information Science: A
                      Philosophical Framework, Scarecrow Press.
                      Faruqi, Khalid Kamal & Alam, Mehtab (2005), Net-Studies in Library and Information
                      Science, Aakar Books.

                      Henderson, Kathrine A. (2009), Case Studies in Library and Information Science Ethics,
                      Prasher, Ram Gopal (1997), Library and Information Science: Information science,
                      information technology and its application, Concept Publishing Company.
                      Rubin, Richard (2010), Foundations of Library and Information Science, Neal-Schuman
                      Publishers, Incorporated.
                      Saravanan, T. (2005), Library & Information Science, APH Publishing.

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