P. 100

Unit 5: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

          Self Assessment                                                                       Notes

          State whether the following statements are true or false:
          9.   The publication of Alphabetical Subject Index was issued in 1968.
          10.  Index highlights the range of possible locations for a specific concept.

          5.6 Maintenance of UDC

          The duty and task for UDC in updation and maintenance lie with the International Federation
          for Information and Documentation (FID). The FID however, acts in conjunction with national
          firms which are having the consultative arrangements with scheme users. Thus, it is the
          Classification Sector of FID which sustains the UDC Master Version integrating all approved
          amendments. The scheme is periodically revised. The amendments aimed by users by their
          national agencies which are disseminated as P-Notes to subscribers. As soon as they become
          acceptable they could either become abridged, enlarged or withdrawn. Thus, it becomes the
          duty of the user libraries to work the amendments that are appearing in the periodical so as to
          make sure about the day today happenings. Thus, from all users of UDC, from all users of UDC
          are always welcome.

          5.6.1 Provision for Future Expansion

          As we have studies earlier that wherever necessary the notation of UDC can accommodate
          emerging new concepts as well as decimal. UDC has resorted to what is known as a “gap
          device”. Thus, in the notation all these gaps are depicting for incommoding various subdivisions
          are left where future expansion is envisaged. Therefore, you can see the vacant numbers in the
          notation which are as follows:
               142–159.8 in Philosophy and Psychology
               365–367 in social welfare

               375 in Education
               4 the class philology transferred to 8 Literature
               538.1–538.8 in Physics

               544–545 in Chemistry
          Hence, from the above notation, you can examine how UDC has provided for future expansion.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          11.  UDC has resorted to what is known as a ……………………..
          12.  …………………..can accommodate emerging new concepts as well as decimal.

          13.  The duty and task for UDC in updation and maintenance lies with the International
          14.  It is the Classification Sector of FID which sustains the UDC Master Version integrating all
               approved …………………………..

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