P. 98

Unit 5: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

          3.   The independent auxiliaries ( can be intercalated ( so as to produce a required  Notes
               filing order, e.g. a country-by-country grouping for an activity such as mining:
               622(410) Mining in Britain

               622(410).333 Mining - Britain - coal
               622(410).34 Mining - Britain - metals and ores
               622(430) Mining - Germany
               622(430).333 Mining - Germany - coal

               622(430).34 Mining - Germany - metal ores
               or for institutions, such as laws, that vary from country to country:
               347.78(410) Copyright laws - Britain
               347.78(410)1 Copyright - Britain - literary

               347.78(410)5 Copyright - Britain - music
               347.78(44) Copyright laws - France
               347.78(44)1 Copyright - France - literary
               347.78(44)5 Copyright - France - music.

          4.   Common auxiliaries can be intercalated if they have bi-terminal signs ( - in other
               words, any of the independent auxiliaries except language. However, a language auxiliary
               can be followed by a colon.

          5.4.4 Special Auxiliaries

          These are used when some property of an object is under consideration, or when some process
          is relevant to an object being studied, or when considering the development of an object, etc.
          Special auxiliaries are used with class numbers that begin with 52 to 524. The notation for an
          auxiliary is a hyphen (–) followed by up to 3 digits, placed after the main class number. Here is
          a breakdown of the main aspects:
          52-1   Mode of treatment
          52-2   Not in use at present
          52-3   Properties and Phenomena (Especially Geometrical)

          52-4   Processes Relevant to Bodies and Systems
          52-5   Stages in Development of Bodies and Systems
          52-6   Processes Relevant to Radiation

          52-7   Character of Radiation
          52-8   Parts and Features of Individual Systems
          Below is part of the further breakdown for 52– 7:
          52-7   Character of Radiation
          52-72  Corpuscular Radiation

          52-724  Protons and Atomic Nuclei

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