P. 99

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          52-726  Plasma
                                   52-728  Neutrinos
                                   52-73  Very Short Wave Photons
                                   52-732  Gamma Rays

                                   52-735  X-rays
                                   52-739  Extreme Ultraviolet

                                          Example: If we needed to classify a book on radio emission from the atmosphere of
                                   Venus, we would have the string: 523.42 – 77. This follows from the class number for Venus,
                                   523.42, combined with the auxiliary for radio radiation, namely – 77.
                                   1.  If the topic of a book concerned aspects of the solar photosphere in visible light, we would
                                       have: 523.942 – 75. This follows from the class number for the solar photosphere, 523.942,
                                       combined with the auxiliary for visible radiation, namely –75.
                                   2.  Where no particular object is dealt with, for example in a text on radio astronomy, the
                                       following number would be used: 52–77.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   7.  …………………is a way of creating mnemonic consistency in the classification.
                                   8.  The …………………are used to link two numbers, so expressing relations of various kinds
                                       between two subjects.

                                   5.5 Alphabetical Subject Index

                                   The publication of Alphabetical Subject Index was issued in 1988. The entries in the index highlight
                                   the terminology that is used in the schedules. In many instances, qualifiers are not added in each
                                   term depicting the context where the term is used. In order to tide over this obstacle, few index
                                   entry comprise of ‘term’ followed by numerous class numbers.

                                          Example: Axes is indexed as well as unqualified to five numbers 581.44, 621.968, 622.231,
                                   631.342, 672.719. So in order to understand this context where all these five class numbers are
                                   used, any one has to refer to the schedules.

                                   However, this index does not depict the listed context of the terms. Instead it highlights the
                                   range of possible locations for a specific concept. Thus, the index entry arrangement is word-by-
                                   word. Hence it is advised to the index users not to classify a document exclusively on the basis
                                   of index but to affirm the class number in the schedule. Following is the index sample entry:

                                       Lighters 629.123.15, 662.58
                                       Cigar and cigarette 662.592
                                       Electric 662.593
                                       Flint .662392
                                       Pocket 662.59

                                       Using solar heat 662.591

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